hello new member

This topic contains 7 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by  Harmony 11 years, 3 months ago.

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    Hi everyone i have been reading through posts for a while. my mother was dianosed a year ago. what a rollercoaster when she told me i felt like i had been hit with a bus, i cant imagine how she feels. she has opted for no treatment however she will still be monitored so far she is doing well that i am happy for. i love my mother and when she told me about this i never knew what myeloma was i had to google it.
    my mother is in her 60's very active and is very brave. i wanted to comment in here because i see how well support is here i am going to tell my mum about these blogs maybe she can help others and get help from experinces people or herself has had.



    Hi Michelle and Mum

    That's true it is a roller coaster of a ride for you all.
    Why has your Mum opted for no treatment ? You say Mum is in her 60's we have folk on here that are going through treatment .

    I wish you and Mum a good trip on the Mm road.

    Love Tom onwards and upwards x



    Hi there

    Just chipping in to wish you and your mum well on this rocky road we are all travelling!! Sheis very young to opt for no treatment, Re the medical team happy to watch and wait at the moment?

    Either way best of luck

    Vicki and colinxx



    thankyou for your kind words. I am unsure why she is opting for no treatment she is just going every 4 weeks sometimes 8 weeks for blood tests and consultant at the hospital. she did say she didnt want to get poorly with treatment i think. i personaly think she needs to speak to her consultant again to see her options i will be speaking to her about this.
    monitoring is fine but i think she should get treatment but it is hard to get my point of view across she is being stobourn.



    Hi Michelle

    Sorry to have to welcome you to the Site. So sorry to have to welcome you to the Site.

    I do understand where your mum is coming from in no treatment. Once I had an operation to move a to our from my spine, with subsequent radiopherepy, I didn't was to have any more treatment at that time apart from bisphosonates for my bones. I also decided I would not want to go down the SCT route. I wanted life to be as normal as possible. I achieved this for 18 months and then had another episode of losing mobility. As the myeloma had become very active again in my bones, I them had six lots of CDT leading to complete remission just over a year ago.

    You can see I took a gentle approach to chemo etc. what you didn't say was what symptoms led to your mum's diagnosis and what her PP readings are. You will have gathered from on here, everyone's MM is different! It is just, if your mum has any bone involvement I would try to persuade her to take up monthly infusions of Zometa. – it is a very short hospital visit every four weeks, or there are tablets. I am certain it is the Zometa that has stopped me having any fractures even though they say my body is full of lessions.

    Lots of love to you and your mum.

    Mavis x



    Hi Welcome to you and your MUm,Sorry that your Mum is going through this and i'm sure as you have already recieved you will get lots of helpul information and support from these wonderful people.It is my Dad that has MM and he is having treatment and has been newly diagnosed and he is 64 yrs old.He has opted for the Myeloma x1 trial and is on his first course of treatment and has been randomised for RCda which is a low dose treatment also he has had Radiotherapy and recently he has been put on 5 to 6 weekly Zometa infusions.I'm glad that my Dad is having treatment as so far he has had no major side effects.I know that not everyone is the same as to responding to treatment and are not on the same course,but i hope your Mum will reconsider her decision as i feel my Dad has benefitted greatly and it has given him a good quality of life compared to how he had been the last 7 months leading up to the diagnoses.She needs to know that the treatments available are really good now and with these it can give her a good quality of life and the MM can be manageable.I wish you well on helping your Mum on her road with MM.

    Kind Regards,



    Hi michelle

    Just nipped in to see how your Mom and you are doing ? Hope all is well with your Mum.

    Tom Onwards and Upwards x



    I can empathise with your mum as the thought of treatment is scary – a bit like stepping into the unknown. I'm asymptomatic at the moment so they suggest 'watching and waiting' but if I have to have treatment, I'll try my hardest to be as well-informed as possible and to ask others (on this site) about their experiences with various drugs. Knowledge is power. Relatives can play a key role in helping us to empower ourselves by learning about treatment.

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