Help & Advice Please!!!

This topic contains 6 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  kp 8 years, 11 months ago.

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    Hi Everyone – my husband Wayne (52) was diagnosed with stage 3 Myeloma in August 2015.

    We have just undergone Stem cell Transplate on 11th Feb – we came out of hospital last Thursday – still not feeling very well – but in the last 4 days he’s developed an all over body rash – COVERED- we’ve stopped all tablets that the think could’ve caused the rash ( maybe allergic) but the rash is getting worse!!!

    Anyone had similar reaction!!?!



    Hi Lyns,

    I had auto stem cell in August 2014. While in hospital i has a rash covering the upper torso only including scalp and arms. When i went home this got worse especially on the back ,neck and scalp (rear). The discription of the rash would be maculopapular (dry small red flat spots with raised lumps). Essentially it felt like hundreds of heat lumps joined together causing agitation all the time.This eased off after a month with no specific treatment. I finally got a consultation with a dermatologist (it had nearly cleared up) who thought it looked like mild GVHD and was given a simple menthol cream to help with the itching (probably because it had nearly cleared up).Although GVHD is more associated with allogenic stem cell transplant it can occasionally affect autologus transplants. My own haematology consultant was more dismissive and gave the cause of the rash as unknown(as GVHD is not commomly associated with autologus stem cell transplants). A sample of the rash was taken at the hospital and was found not to be fungal. I still get isolated heat lumps on same areas from time to time but they will completly dissipate after 3 days.

    Best regards,




    Hi –

    Thank you so much for your advice.

    I have looked up GvHD & Wayne is text book- with abdominal pain & the rash starting on the palms of his hands.

    We are back at the hospital on Tuesday – so I will be asking the consultant to assure / prove to me he’s not got it!!

    Hes spiking temperatures too – Wayne’s VERY adamant he’s not going back to hospital after spending the last 4 weeks in there.

    It’s very frustrating as I want the best for him.




    When i was sent home from SCT on a Friday i spiked a temperature over the weekend. Phone the ward on The Monday and was admitted immediately. The were VERY unhappy i waited. I was given intravenous antibiotics for 4 days and finally released. With the immune system so low on release the risk is not worth taking. If and when i might be in that position again i would definitely not hesitate next time.

    Best of luck,




    Wayne was released from hospital a week ago Thursday –

    Been to the hospital 3 times ( as an outpatient) the consultant is pleased with his bloods they’re heading in the right direction…

    But yes I totally agree with you …. I should ring – but Wayne is so negative about hospitals & going back in…

    I’m banging my head against a brick wall  !




    Hi – Don’t hesitate – please ring – after my SCT I spiked a temp when home and would not go back/phone and my husband was a bit in the dark and bowed to my crying/covering it up. Thus began a very low point in my health – much worse then when in hospital – it hit my chest and set my recovery back ten fold. When I finally told the consultant he was horrified that I had stupidly risked my life and the state I was in was attributed to allowing it to take hold of my body. I should have gone straight in and been pumped full of antibiotics and been done and dusted with it in a few instead we really thought I was going to die, I became so ill. Ignore what he says, get help now, his body is too low to cope with extra demands and can be very very serious. Sometimes you have to over-rule and be the rational one as what your husband has been through hardly equates to “sound mind” now when trying to dodge a hospital stay again. Tough love is called for.




    Hi, I do hope you went straight back to the hospital for advice, particularly with a spiking temp. I haven’t been on for a few days so know this reply is a bit late.

    When I was 6 weeks post SCT I got a  cold sore which prompted them into action, bloods checked, acyclovir prescribed etc. So I guess act quickly on any concerns re health is imperative when your immune system so weak.

    Hope your husband is feeling better now.

    Kind regards


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