Help Needed for Market Research Study

This topic contains 4 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  oracle1 9 years, 9 months ago.

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  • #121407


    We are currently conducting a market research study to understand the patient and their carer/partners experience of MM and the treatment given.

    In particular we are looking for patients who

    a) have had first line treatment then relapsed or become refractory in the last 18months and/or

    b) have had a stem cell transplant then become relapsed or refractory in the last 18months.

    The research involves an informal interview at your home or other convenient location and would last for 45-60mins. We would like to interview patient and their partner/carer at the same time.

    The interviews will be carried out within the BHBIA and MRS codes of conduct which guarantee your anonymity.

    An honorarium is offered for taking part and a donation to Myeloma  will be paid separately.

    Ideally, we would like to interview people in/around the following cities – London/Birmingham/Manchester.

    If you are interested in helping please contact me on 07769 718 573 or

    I very much hope that some of the members of these forums can help with this study.

    Thank you

    Stella Frost – Oracle Fieldwork



    Live in Leicester if you consider that city only to pleased to be involved.



    Hi Tony Thanks for your interest.

    I replied to you by email this morning, can you check you received it – maybe in your junk/spam box?




    Not to sure what to expect now ,I’ve had chemo and stem cell replacement ,3 weeks in hospital ,and I’ve been home 5 days ,I get very tired ,I’m not really eating ,just don’t have an appetite ,taste buds are shot ,and I drink like a fish ,lol went back to hospital  yesterday,for blood test and every thing is moving along nicely ,got oncoligy next Tuesday ,it’s when does my appetite return and taste buds ,I get short of breath aswell ,any body recomend something to drink that quenches your thirst would help ,Alan ,onwards and upwards



    Hi Alan


    Thank you for responding to my post.

    Could you contact me on if you are interested in helping with our study?

    Thanks  Stella

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