Help needed to makeover my flat

This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  tom 11 years, 4 months ago.

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    After having had stem cell transplants, albeit a few years ago, and then depression my flat in London has become a mess. I wonder if anyone out there knows of a company that does flat makeovers in London.



    Hi David

    Well am sorry the Depression hit you after your SCT, but as for the Flat well i dont live in London so cant help you out with that one, will you be paying for it or are you looking for someone to do it free (ish)??

    Hope your Soon sorted

    Tom Onwards and upwards



    Thank you for responding to my message. Luckily I have someone who will help me financially with the makeover. Sorry to be so off subject, but the flat is a mess of books, cds, boxes, little objets trouves. It just seems impossible to deal with. I am very prepared to pay for the skills of more practically minded people to take over.
    On the up beat, I've been told that my paraprotein count is stable at 24.
    Thanks again for the response.



    Hi David

    Its not a problem.

    If its if its cd's and books you ought to try and get some boxes and box them up then phone some charity shop and ask them to collect for the shop that might be one road to go down.
    pleased your count is stable
    Good Luck

    Tom Onwards and Upwards

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