help with dealing with the nausea from CDT please

This topic contains 3 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  brocho 12 years, 10 months ago.

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    Hi everyone – have been on CDT for 4 months and was due to end the treatmnt but now am not suitable for SCT (have to wait for my heart to improve) so the CDT treatment is to continue for a while longer. I would really appreciate some advice / tips on dealing with the nausea associated with CDT (whether its from the steroids or the chemo). I take both the steroids and chemo on a Tuesday and am in a dreadful way on wednesdays, thursdays and fridays. It starts to improve over the weekend. Thought I could cope while there was an end in sight but now my treating team aren't giving an "end date" for the CDT. Have tried ginger and various medication….Any advice would be so much appreciated



    Have you tried acupressure travel bands? You wear them on your wrists- you can buy them at a pharmacy. I wore them extensively during chemo and SCTs and while I was still sick, I think they did help.



    Hi Cinzia ,

    You don't say if you were given any anti-sickness tablets (Metracoclopide or something like) with your CDT meds. I took them and they worked … every time. They work best if you take them at the same time as your CDT or even an hour or so before.




    Hi Cinzia poor you sickness is really horrible . I have founf Odansetron to be the best ant-sickness meds , it can be given as IV before your chemo Have a chat with the nurses I am sure they can come up with something love Bridget x

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