Here we go

This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  tom 10 years, 11 months ago.

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    I have just started on my treatment today CDT 🙁 trial computer says so. I had a 3/1 chance of getting the basic treatment and even money to get the CCRD. The result was just like my gambling on the horses if i had any luck it wouldn’t be good. Although i have read a comment from eve stating nobody really knows whats right for each individual so it could be a blessing. I don’t think anything prepares you for the bewildering amount of information with your first results and the tablets and injections required along with the diary’s you have to keep. Then there is your get out of jail card to take in (neutropenic sepsis) with this one you can pass go and head straight to the emergency ward (although i do believe you don’t collect £200) just pay a fortune for the privilege of parking you car. Sorry i digress. I have just taken 37 tablets for my cancer with one to go, with the 10 i take for diabetes i will not be able to creep up on anyone (they will here me rattling along well before i get close). I am now just waiting for the drugs to kick in and see what side effect i will have.Any advice gratefully received.

    Best wishes to all,




    Hi Stanley

    Good Luck in your treatment, I was on CDT in 2009 prior to SCT same year.

    I was four years clear and drug free after my sct  but as i knew it would come back it has, now on Velcade forth block first session go every Monday for it.

    Back to the CDT I had to go on sick half way through my Third block and was off work for one year, that took in my sct and recovery from that, its not a easy peasy but its a doable you just need to listen to your body and when it tells you to rest then rest.

    Good Luck on your road to remission

    Tom Onwards and Upwards x




    Many thanks for the reply you seem to be an inspiration to many on the site me included with your no nonsense approach and mega positive attitude. I’m very lucky at the moment 4 weeks post thoracic surgery my employers and especially my senior manager are totally supportive whatever this is going to take. I’m budgeting a similar timeframe if all  goes well. Good luck with the veclade hope it works for you Tom.

    Best regards,





    Your More than welcome my Friend and to be fair helping others does help me so am sure i am being a bit selfish ha ha.

    your getting on good with  your Bosses thats a good sign it makes the treatment bearable if you have one less worry


    Tom Onwards and Upwards

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