Hereditary link????

This topic contains 19 replies, has 18 voices, and was last updated by  Michele 12 years, 1 month ago.

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    This is an article from Cancer Research

    My understanding is that we may have something that genetically means we are more likely to get myeloma than other people. BUT, there is some unusual stimulus (and they still don't know what) that will kick our myeloma into action. Therefore, whilst there is a chance of us passing the genetics on to our children, it is really unusual for them too to have the same factor kicking the same genes into action. I'm sure I haven't explained that very well at all, but after speaking with Prof Morgan about it, I felt comfortable that the chances of me passing it onto my children were as slim as me getting MM in the first place. Not SURE that it won't happen, but that the chances of it passing on like with some other cancers, were pretty small.

    I would always encourage my children to get checked early now if they had pains etc but I hope I won't live worrying about what the future holds for them.

    Hopefully they will find out more each year that they look into this. I know that the Myeloma XI trial that I'm on, asks us all to donate extra samples so that they can do lots more DNA testing…..we all need to do this if we can, and hopefully then they will learn more about this cancer. It seems like it is too expensive for them to do if it is outside of a trial so please, if people out there are on the trials, please let them take these extra samples.

    Debs x



    I hope you don't mind me resurrecting this thread, but being fairly new to the site I've only just spotted it.

    No matter what the specialists say, I'm convinced that there is a hereditary link with bloodcancers.

    I was diagnosed with MM in May 2011, my father died in 2009 after a 13 year battle with non-hodgkins lymphoma and his father died in 1964 with chronic leukaemia. My aunt also has a blood disorder.
    Too much of a coincidence for me.

    I therefore take the attitude that I was always destined to have MM (or something similar) and could have done nothing to prevent it happening.



    Hi Michele

    Resurect what you need to as am sure some of us Old Hands have forgot about them :-S I asked my Consultant about this as I have three grown up sons, I was told that no hereditary links have been found (at the moment) but I told My Son's if you have symptoms like mine or ones i talked about over the years keep your eye on your Dr as they nearly missed mine.

    Tom "Onwards and Upwards"



    Just to add my thoughts. My mum was diagnosed 4 years ago and has had thalidomide and velcade. Having seen what she went through I knew all of the symptoms. Two months ago I felt a popping in my chest (still convinced this is sternum related) and got rushed into A&E with a chest infection. Discharged after a week but still not right. Went to see the doctor two weeks ago and mentioned the similar symptoms – rib and back pain and asked for a blood test. Within 48 hours I was hooked up on a drip trying to get my calcium levels down. Now on RCD (Myeloma II) with a positive attitude. It seems awful long odds that this is just a co-incidence. Maybe my mum worked in an industry that contributed towards her MM whilst pregnant with me. Needs further invesigation. I have two young kids and they will be closely monitored. Don't want them suffering. Waiting for my first MRI. Early indicators are that I have thinning of the humerous and they want to monitor my spine. Fingers crossed. 🙂



    Hello Bill

    What you're experiencing is very interesting and like me you obviously think the link is too much of a coincidence to be pure chance.

    Out of interest, does your mum know anything about her parents/grandparents medical history? May be worth doing a bit of "Family Tree" research like I have.

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