Hi Eve,
They left mine in for four weeks… at my first consultation after leaving hospital. I asked why then and was told that it was redundant… that they only left the line in if it was still in regular use. It took about twenty painless minutes from going in to the side room in the Daycase Unit with a doctor to coming out. The procedure wasn't flagged, i.e. we had no idea that they were going to take it out and Janet was surprised to see me back the waiting room after 30 minutes… expecting me to have to go up to Radiology (where they put it in) for the procedure.8-)
It sounds as if Slim's is still in regular use, so I imagine that is why he still has it in… handy though.:-)
My original line became infected and one line became blocked… they used the single line for three days until I complained that it was stinging when the saline was going through. My consultant came up to see me and injected some anti-biotc into the working line.. only for Janet to shout 'Stop'… which made my consultant jump… Janet pointed out that my skin was expanding under the line… and she was right… there was a reservoir of liquid floating under my chest… one line was blocked and the other was leaking. My consultant stopped its use and said that they would have to replace the line.:-S
It took three days before they could find a doctor able to carry out the 'one out/one in' procedure. Three days of which I was Neutropenic and feeling as ill as I have ever felt in my life. I will never forget sitting in a wheelchair in the waiting room outside the radiology theatre… piled with blankets and shivering uncontrollably. The tremors were so bad that I could not talk properly. Eventually they got me into the theatre and they carried out the procedure… I recall two of the theatre nurses arguing with the doctor that I was 'to ill'… but he wanted to persevere, saying that I would stay neutropenic until they took out the offending line. He was right… and within the hour I felt great and I was sitting up in bed eating chicken curry. In the meantime I had lost the window for my harvest and it would take another ten weeks before the wired me up again.;-)
All I felt when the doctor took out my line was a couple of tugs but as I said, completely painless.8-)