High Potassium level

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  grandmat 1 year, 7 months ago.

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    Hello I’m new to this forum and also new to Myeloma still getting over the shock of it all .Its my husband that was diagnosed with multiple myeloma in February 2023 , and went on a clinical trial in April, he’s been doing ok but suddenly had a low level of potassium and had to be taken to hospital for a large amount of potassium level put back in by iv drip took 16 hours the drip was so slow, felt much better after but now has swollen ankles has anyone had this problem ? He is 77 years old and never had any health problems , thank you for reading



    Hi. I just came across your post. I was diagnosed in January 2023 and am also on a clinical trial. I’ve not long had a stem cell transplant.
    On several occasions I’ve had low potassium. I dont really know why. At one point I was told my electrolytes were disorganized- which didnt help!
    I’ve had potassium via a drip twice and yes it does take a long time. I’ve also had potassium tablets which are dissolved in water. My ankles also swell but that has been an ongoing intermittent issue since diagnosis.
    I’m sorry I’m not much help as I dont understand all the reasons for the things that happen. My experience has been very much that there seems to be ongoing “things” that happen. Everyone is different but my way of dealing with that is to just deal with it as it happens.
    I hope your husband finds that the treatment is helping him and that you too can find your own way through this. It’s difficult when you’re world has been turned upside down. As I said Im sorry I only just read your post but I’ve found the forum a big help- even just reading. Take care.



    Thank you very much for your reply gc you’ve been a great help actually as no one seems to know anything , he has gone back on blood pressure tablets after seeing local gp and slowly the swelling is coming down one foot more than the other, and a bit sore on the too if his foot hopefully it will keep going in the right direction. He has a blood test next week to see how his potassium is doing , the doctor said Indapamide is also a diuretic as well as blood pressure so he may be passing more urine and along with that more potassium it is a balancing act. My husband is frustrated and feeling a bit sorry but I don’t blame him it’s not a nice thing to have , thanks again

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