Holidays while having treatment

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  chevgr 8 years ago.

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    hello. I hope this doesn’t seem like a trite question but are you allowed to go on holiday while having the initial pre SCT treatment e.g. VCD or VDT? If it’s somewhere nearby e.g. France or Spain?

    I know drs are cautious but I think some sun and change of environment can really help a patients mood and sense of well being?




    hy if you can fit a holiday around your treatment then do so i always run it passed my consultants. and shes happy if i a m feeling well.i had gap in velcade treatment off a week and enjoyed some sun in tenerife did us both the world of good came back ready to fight the fight xx. annlynne



    Thanks for the reply. Good news you managed to get away

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