
This topic contains 18 replies, has 9 voices, and was last updated by  DaiCro 12 years, 8 months ago.

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    Do you know Eve if i could blush I would Lol

    Well am pleased they didn't Chuck HIM out, yes I was under Castle Hill in Hull for my SCT and went every week to have bloods and check up then on my 10th day (or near as danm it) I had another BMB But hey Ho still in Remission since 2009 😀 and after all I went through it was well worth it 😎 Keep slapping the factor 50 on but not too hard Lol

    Tom "Onwards and Upwards" xx



    Dear Eve

    Do hope Slim is now home. At least there will be someone enjoying all the football on TV. I am fed up with it and it hasn't even really begun yet!!! Nothing else good on TV either now all the Jubilee coverage is finished.

    Hope all your round of infectins is finished witha nd tht the bllos counts settle down.

    All best wishes.

    Mavis xx



    Hi Mavis
    Thanks for your wishers.

    No such luck on the bloods,came out of hospital on Saturday,went yesterday to check bloods,phoned he needs platelets so back in to day,then check bloods again Wednesday,Then 86 miles to Kings Thursday.
    Tried ringing Kings yesterday as Canterbury could not answer a question about injections,still waiting a reply.

    This 100 day rule makes you feel in limbo,with no support. love Eve



    Hi Eve,

    I believe that the NHS is a wonderful institution within their doors… but the second you are outside of their walls you are out of sight and out of mind. With a lot of conditions, MM to the fore, you need follow up and support, desperately so at times.

    Many such occasions have proven to me that from the moment you leave the consulting room you are out of sight and out of mind… what do I base this on? Well the sight of my consultant scrying the computer screen for bloods results and any other developments since the last visit.

    We sometimes have this romantic notion of in depth group meetings of medics who pore over our case studies, looking for developments and results, with conversations that look at alternatives and support networks that keep us uppermost in mind and making themselves ready to discuss with us our progress and the choices available as and when we need them.

    If each unit had a couple of dedicated lead nurses that checked up and checked in with us… looking to ensure that we are following regimes, that we have the right level of care and support (for the carers as much as the patients) and that we fully understand where we are and where we are going with our treatments and MM in general. These dedicated nurses would have access to other support networks, including MacMillan and social services etc…

    I swear that that is what it was like three years ago when I first came to Nottingham but now?

    Yes Tom… they are grateful when you vacate a bed… almost to the point of moving you on and out for the flimsiest of reasons… the cutbacks are kicking in… big-time and in areas where they should not be applicable (or so we were promised).

    My best to Slim and yourself Eve… and here is to months of nothingness… just slow recovery and monthly clinics.8-)


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