Hot skin flushes are they related to mgus?


This topic contains 2 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  zm31 5 years, 6 months ago.

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    Hi, hope someone can shed some light on something for me, I’ve got mgus diagnosed just over a year ago kinda, although dr refused to tell me wot it was until i had another specialist and i told him wot i thought it was and he said that’s right but we don’t like to put a name to it as it causes unnecessary worry on patient. anyway i digress for the past week and a half i have been having a hot face on left cheek only gets so hot feels like it on fire not kidding! i had to buy a small hand fan to go along with my 7 other fans i have placed around my house i keep the hand fan right by my face practically all day long. my face was swollen on same side too but that’s gone down past couple of days of using ice packs etc, i remembered today that I’ve had this before several months ago it came and went but no hot fire part just swollen face one side it doesn’t hurt at all. i do get itching skin sometimes it comes and goes, also tingling and numbness in feet, hands and legs could this be related to mgus? i’m not worried but my daughter keeps telling me to go to doctors bout it thanks in advance Michelle 🙂



    Hi Michelle
    I also have a diagnosis of MGUS. Mind came about because I was getting a strange cold feeling in one leg. Dr ran loads of tests but nothing showed. When I mentioned my dad had MM, they tested me and picked up the MGUS.
    That was a few years ago. Now my leg feels cold less often but sometimes I get a tingling/burning feeling there.

    When I got tingling in my hands/scalp I was diagnosed with B12 deficiency. I now have B12 injections every 3 months. I

    Will be interested to hear what other people say and I hope yours is resolved




    I’ve recently been discharged from haematology and getting routine bloods checked every 6 months to check my light chains: (I haven’t specifically been told this is MGUS but from what I’ve read it does sound like it).

    Hot flushes and being hot in the face is what prompted my visit to GP in first instance before being referred to hospital because of the light chains picked up in my blood. So I’d say yes this maybe me a symptom of MGUS although I’m not medically trained. I hope someone else can shed some light

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