How to find Independent financial advisors specialising with terminaly il

This topic contains 4 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  stewas 10 years, 1 month ago.

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    there must be people out there that have some good reliable contacts.

    until diagnosed  my affairs were pretty well sorted and I’ ve not been impressed with ifa advisors in the past.  Given that I need to know my family is best provided for and their are now so many options to consider I feel the need for some help.

    i’m 63 and wasn’t expecting to retire before 65. My state pension won’t help my family, so it’s only my other mucked up pensions from jobs I’ve had and serps opt out fund to get the best out of.

    if anyone has had a positive experience or can provide any advice, it would be appreciated.



    Sorry but I don’t often visit this forum and have only just seen your post.

    What  you are looking for are called “Impaired Life” annuities. You can drop your old pension funds into these and the insurers pay a higher monthly pension rate because your life expectancy is shorter.

    You can tailor these to your needs in terms of: fixed or increasing payments, widow’s pension etc. Obviously the more commitments they take on the lower the monthly rate is that they will offer.

    I used Annuity Direct a couple of years ago and can personally recommend them. I first used them in 1999 so have a lot of experience with them.

    Basically they will work with you to work out what funds you have and then get multiple pension funds to make offers of what they will pay you.

    Hope this helps







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    It seems that all of us with short life expectancy are still wasteing our time with annutities until the financial sector gets its act in order and FSAs start offering a decent service at low cost to release pension funds through the drawdown options which come into play after April 2015. If you’ve got an annuity – live live and prosper, but rest assured they will get more of your money than you will ever get unless you survive into your nineties!!!



    Just balancing the last comments from David.


    I bought impaired life annuities in 2000 after being told that I had 10% chance of living 5 years. That is now exactly 15 years ago.


    As has been said by Financial reporters the risks with the new system are related to underestimating how long you will survive. New treatment regimes are forever extending survival times and actuarial figures are based on historical data, so there is a better tthan normal chance of winning the bet -and that’s exactly what it is. Your best estimate against theirs



    When I was ill the best people that helped me was the MacMillan nurses who sent someone to my home and they helped me no end. Hope things get sorted for you.

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