Hi Jan, I received my asymptomatic myeloma diagnosis on the 7th of October 2013 aged 40 – a date imprinted in my brain! The good news is that I’m still smouldering 17 months later. I’m learning that anxiety about the future is wasted time and energy. Smoulderers have the opportunity to grab life by the horns while we’re well. Here are the changes that I’ve made: Reduced work to part-time, done a few writing courses, planning to do a counselling course soon, drinking 3 cups of green tea daily, taking selenium every other day, eating copious amounts of kale and spinach, taking turmeric twice daily, reducing meat consumption – particularly processed red, taking aloe vera daily. Why all these changes? Simply because I need to feel that I’m trying. Even if it doesn’t make the blindest bit of difference, I have tried. The saddest part for me is the thought that I may not be here to see my children reach adulthood or even adolescence for that matter – that absolutely kills me more than anything else. This thought sends a crippling pain from my heart to my feet.