I can join the good news club

This topic contains 18 replies, has 7 voices, and was last updated by  tom 11 years, 8 months ago.

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  • #102738


    Hi Karen

    We all know Myeloma acts differently with different patients.

    I think you doctor is doing all she can at this present time,MRI,plus BMB. The pain could be just the collapse on the vertoblaster,when she is talking about wholes, I can only assume its like lesions where you have a clump of live cells,when treated with radiotherapy. Or chemo because they both do the same thing,it leaves a hole , Slim has them on his skull plus shoulder blades,this weakens the bones if in an awkward place like spine,causing pain. If you look at your results,it will tell you how much the Skelton is effected.
    May be you should see about going on Oxycodone slow. Release and topping up with paracetamol ,your pain does not seem to be in control,see your own doctor,my attitude to pain is no one should suffer heavy pain,and at this stage of the game when bones are effected,its a none starter,take what ever relieves the pain. Plus the fact some people have a high pain threshold than others,Slim can take a lot of pain,he now has BMB every 2 months.

    It's just awaiting game Karen,its an awful position to be in,because you build your self up for remission,it hits home hard,so try to be objective about it,a BMB will be a true reading of your condition,if it shows Myeloma cells they have caught it early.,might not treat it until other symptoms appea ,if its clear you know your blood results are a true reading.

    It's a hell of a roller coaster isn't, it.:-P Love Eve



    Hi All, Thanks TonyF and Eve for your thought and best wishes.
    well I had my infusion and then went down to clinic, my consultant had pre warned the desk staff to send me straight in! (no appoinntment.)

    Anyway, she really only said the bone marrow test is to be on the safe side, that the recent MRI could just mean it gets worse before it gets better, when myeloma is got rid of it leaves gaps in the bone marrow, this sounds odd, but she told me not to worry (yeah right). I will have another MRI in 3 months. Oh an the vertobplasty I had last October has collapsed, so I may need another one, why bother if it has failed. that does explain why my pain is getting worse.

    Eve, you said to listen to my body. I am and I know something is not right, i worry that the morphine is masking something, the pain is bad enough on it.

    Oh well, bone marrow test on 2nd July, so we will see.

    Thanks for your best wishes.
    warm wishes



    Hi all,
    Quick update

    I have an appointment for next Thursday (27th June), for radiotherapy!

    Things seem to be moving quickly, so top marks to my consultant for her fast acting 🙂

    I may as well move into LRI tho, i seem to be there more than ever lately :-S

    Warm wishes



    Hi Karen

    Sorry I have been away and missed some posts but hey well done your team they seem to be on the ball with you and your treatment.

    Good luck with your RT
    Love Tom Onwards and Upwards xxx

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