I need Help! Urgent!

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  sanimimi 10 years, 1 month ago.

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    My mom was dyagnosed with myeloma satge 3 last year in Jully, she undergo the usual treatmant and got much better. Now she is  at the hospital for the stem cell transplant. Her stem cell transplant was yesterday, and the doctors want to let her go for the weekend. As i know from all the myeloma literature that i’ve read ,the patient  is prone to infections 100 days after the transplant. Hoiwever, they want to let her go only one day after the transplant. I am from small undeveloped country Macedonia and our health care  is just unethic and ignorant. The doctors refues to inform us why they are letting go for the weekend and is that a big  risk for her recovery? Does someone know is this a normal? Am i only panicing?  Can somebody help me with some info or advice? I am desprete for help, because runing after doctors and beginign them for some info is so useless, because they ignore you all the time. What should i do? How can i prevent my mom of further complication.

    Please help me.


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    It is common now in the US for patients to go through the transplant as outpatients. The doctors should be checking your mum’s blood every day and after 5 or 6 days her neutrophils will fall to zero which is when she is at great risk of infection. A few days later if the stem cells are working her neutrophils will rise and she will start to recover. Usually you get vomiting and diarrhoea from the chemotherapy they give you before transplant so she will be ill for a few weeks. You must check her temperature several times a day and go to the hospital if it rises as she could have an infection. This is very important. Once her neutrophils rise again she still is at risk of infection but not so much. I did stay home for the first few weeks after transplant to avoid infections.




    Thank you Carol for the info, it really helped.She was sent home only for the weekend, and will return in the hospital on Tuesday, so she’ll be there when the neutrophils are about to fall. Anyhow, she is staying now in completely sterilized room so we can avoid complications as much as we can.


    Thank you.



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