I’m so confused..


This topic contains 5 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  kh0305 2 years, 1 month ago.

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    Hello, I really don’t think I belong on this site but would welcome any advice you can give me.
    I was feeling rather unwell last year – nothing to do with Myeloma symptoms – and in October the GP arranged some blood tests. I was then contacted again in November … some more bloods were required. I duly went along to the GP practice but the phlebotomist was unable to get the vein so I was sent to the hospital instead. She gave me the blood test form and sent me on my way.
    It was only when I looked properly at the form she had given me it stated … Due to elevated kappa light chains, please test for Myeloma (or words to that effect) that I wondered what was going on.
    My kappa free light chains were 46.3. My kappa/lambada ratio: 1.86.
    So I waited almost 5 weeks for the results and I am none the wiser.
    My Urea has come back: 9.8 mmol, eGFR: 55 ml/min, Creatinine: 91 umol/l.
    I have no idea what any of this means, tho possibly a bit of kidney trouble going on.
    Obviously you are not medical but all of you, unfortunately, have been through this. Should I be concerned? Should I contact my surgery (because they haven’t contacted me and I would assume if a problem, they would).
    I don’t like to make a fuss and tbh, I do not believe I have Myeloma.
    I would appreciate your thoughts. Thank you.



    Hi SuzieP

    I am one of the forum volunteers. Please do not say you do not belong here because we are here to help you in any way we can, even if is just suspected that there is a possibility you might have MM. however, it sounds like the doctor wants to discount MM as a possible reason for your symptoms.

    The main thing is to not worry about something to which you do not know the answer yet, although I know that is easier said than done. I know you said your GP has not got back to you so I think in the first instance you need to contact them to ask to discuss the results with the GP.

    To answer your question about the results of the blood test, even healthy people have light chains, but they look at the ratio of kappa and lambda. They should have a ratio of roughly about 1 to 1. Yours are a bit out of that range, so I guess that they will keep an eye on them to see if there are any future changes. Your creatnine reading is good, and the GFR is a measure of how well your kidneys are working, and that’s not a bad reading either.

    There is a condition called MGUS and it is a sort of pre-cursor to MM. They might be looking to see if you have that. The good news is that if you have MGUS, there is a good chance it will not progress to be full MM, and even if it does, you will be on their radar to make treatment available early on, which is good news as well.

    Please try to not worry until you have got some answers. Let us know how you get on with your discussions wi th the GP.

    Keep your chin up!

    regards, Tony



    Hi SuzieP
    Welcome to the forum. As Tony says, you are most welcome here. We are here to help wherever we can. Have you heard any more from your GP? I’d definitely push for more information if you haven’t already received it (I’ve found along the way, particularly post-covid that sometimes info sharing from my dad’s medical team has been, shall we say, overlooked!). Hopefully all the information will be positive, but it would be good for you to get some clarity on why the kappa light chains/ratio are slightly high.
    Keeping everything crossed for you and keep us posted xx



    Hello Tony and kh0305 …
    Actually, Tony, I thought I replied to you last week but see that nothing is posted … I wonder where that went, lol 😉.
    Anyway, to my shame I haven’t done anything other than wait for a GP to contact me if there is a problem. I have now mentioned it to my husband who seems to think the surgery will call me if necessary and I am making something out of nothing. It’s now about 5 or 6 weeks since the request for additional bloods was requested and one week or so since the results came in.
    My problem is … I really don’t think there is anything wrong with me (which is great) and I am wasting their time but with your prompting, I will try to fill in one of the online forms tomorrow asking them to advise me what these bloods mean, if anything.
    It is so kind of both of you to follow up with me.
    Thank you, both of you x



    Hi Tony and kh0305, i have contacted the surgery and my blood results have been filed away as they indicate there isn’t a problem (tho I’m not sure kidneys are functioning too well?)
    Anyway, apologies for taking your time and wish everyone on this forum the very best with your battles.



    Hi Suzie,
    Glad to hear that no issues have been found. It will put you mind at ease too.
    No need to apologise at all – just pleased to hear all is well xx

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