In, Out & Up & Down

This topic contains 7 replies, has 7 voices, and was last updated by  mhnevill 11 years, 3 months ago.

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  • #103480


    Hi All,
    Calling in from Toghill Ward, City Hospital, Nottingham.

    I came in Friday tea-time but I only managed to access the internet this morning. I was out of it with a high temperature (39.6) and confusion but I can recall the paramedic team and the ambulance crew. 😉

    I spent 24 hours in the assessment unit before being transferred to Toghill, one of two specialist Haematologist wards that nestle above the Haematology Clinics/Daycase. 😎

    They have got my bloods down to normal several times but they bounced back to an average 38.6 within a very short time. I have been up to 40.20 and 40.40 over the past couple of days from a starting point of 36.80/37.4.:-0

    The medics have been trying hard to crack the underlying cause but I am glad that the weekend is over and I will have access to more senior stall, plus my consultant. I have had bruises before but nothing like this… my hands and arms look like a patchwork quilt.:-P

    My second bag of blood is almost ready, as is my lunch (Fish Pie – no trimmings). 🙂

    Speak to you later.




    Hi dai, hope your soon on the mend, and temp down to normal. Enjoy your dinner 🙂 fish is good for



    Hello Dai
    What a surviver you are you as all my cyber friends are in my prayers you really are an inspiration to us all hope to see you home soon
    Get well soon 🙂
    Love and a big hug Jo x



    Hi Dai

    I think they are setting you up to test week-end provision in Nottingham.

    It's strange because I was thinking of you on Thursday. I was in the Dental Hospital and there was a Notice saying Diff C was not killed off by hand gel but needed soap and water. I though, I hope everyone is being careful around Dai.

    Do hope that all this doesn't delay the chemo.

    Love and best wishes.

    Mavis x



    Oh Dai

    Sorry to hear you have a hospital stay and gourmet food! Hope they can get your temperature and bloods on an even keel. There's no place like home, so fingers crossed for you

    Vicki and Colin xx



    Sorry you are back in hospital but your cheery character still shines through. Hope you are home soon and back to Janet's cooking.




    Hi Dai

    Did I read this correctly ,you have 2 special haematology wards,internet connection!!!!,it's worth putting up with arms like a patch work quilt, just for the fact that you have a bed in a haematology ward.

    I just dread Slim being admitted,have no choice it's A&E,but usually a battle to get the ambulance drivers to take him to his own hospital,the last time one asked me had anyone spoke of a hospice to me,right in front of Slim!!!,then A&E for hours,then if we are lucky,a bed can be found on Braebourne Ward which contains only 6 beds!!!!,nurses are excellent .
    So Dai count your blessings,lay back enjoy and get well soon,Janet will have time to catch up with all the washing.Eve



    Hi Dai

    Thinking of you and hoping and praying you can get back on drugs soon.

    Love to you and Janet. Bet she could do that journey to the hospital in her sleep!

    Mavis x

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