Initial therapies and time until SCT

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  tallulah55 11 years ago.

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    My threads with Carol have prompted me to post my thoughts on the above. If Kevin had continued to be treated at UCH in London he probably would have been eligible for the PADIMAC trial. From what I understand this trial has come about because of the better efficacy of the more novel treatments and so will look at whether SCT after initial therapy is better than waiting for progression after initial therapy before doing the SCT. Due to Kevin’s age we will probably go for the SCT as time is not on his side but the results from this study will be interesting. I wonder if any members are on this trial? I believe there is increasing thinking that as the newer treatments become more targeted and effective, there could well be less need for the intense SCTs and therefore treat MM more like a chronic illness.

    Will be interesting to see the results!




    Hi Nicki,

    Welcome to you and Kevin. My husband Phil was on the PADIMAC trial at Bart’s. His paraprotein did not reduce enough to delay the SCT so he had his transplant after he completed the six cycles of the dex-dox-Velcade. The trial was looking at delaying the SCT if the initial treatment decreased the pp or light chains by 90%. I know of a couple of people who were on the trial though who were able to delay their SCT as the Velcade worked well for them.

    I do think you are right that the novel treatments that are becoming available may reduce the need for transplants as myeloma will hopefully start to be managed as a chronic condition.




    Hi Megan

    Thank you for your welcome and for sharing your husband’s experience of the PADIMAC trial. the info you have given is very helpful- currently, in cycle 3, my husband’s pp levels are down by 80% and it’s feasible I guest gather may be down by 90% plus. He really wants to how ahead either the SCT as soon as poss as his age may be against him to wait until relapse. Could mean hopefully though this he could have a month or two to regain fitness a bit before going in for the procedure without any ill effect.

    I hope your husband recovered well from his treatment.



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