Is it coming back

This topic contains 13 replies, has 9 voices, and was last updated by  Vicki 12 years, 2 months ago.

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    Hi all

    15mths post transplant, my GP referred me for an xray recently for some hip/pelvic pain Ive been getting and the xray report says bone has a mild diffusely patchy appearance which would be consistent with myeloma 🙁

    I rang my haematology team and they are going to compare xrays taken at diagnosis which I was told were normal with this one and see what they think and Im due to see a consultant on Friday. I've never had bone pain issues before in my hip and am now worried that the disease is returning.

    Anyone got any ideas/experiences?




    Hi Wendy

    My only experience of bone pain was at my initial diagnosis (nov 2011) when I had a full skeletal survey done which showed I had multiple bone lesions all over plus 2 compression fractures to spinal vertebrae. My bones were described as looking 'moth eaten', it was all extremely painful at the time which need very strong painkillers to control but now I have no bone pain post autologous & reduced intensity unrelated donor transplant.

    It is very worrying when new symptoms occur but try and remain positive until your haematology team can give you the answers you are looking for. Do you feel well in yourself? Have you had any trauma/injury to the hip region? Have you been exercising any differently? Have you had any blood tests recently ie. light chains/ paraproteins etc.

    This doesn't really answer your post but hope your appointment goes well with the haematology team
    Best wishes



    Hi Wendy
    I have my fingers and everything else crossed that all is ok, like you any little pain is a worry, I don't know what is serious any more! Let us know how you get on, hope it is nothing major.
    Love Helen



    Hi Wendy sorry to hear You'v got pain, as you know I was getting pain in my hip when I saw you in the summer, and after X-ray cat scan then MRI under mr. Orr the orthapedic consultant they said I'd a fractured hip !!!!!! No wonder I was in pain ???
    Anyway he said it was healing nicely and there was nothing to do oh apart from to start using my stick again witch I must admit helped.
    I'm still getting pains in my back it comes and goes but prof.Jackson did say as long as it goes your ok !!!!
    I'v got my infusion on Thursday and of course blood test so hopefully they will be ok again.
    Please let me know how you get on and try not to worry Hun xxx
    Sandra xxx



    Hi Wendy

    Can understand your worries. Strange to be saying that I hope it is something like arthritis which I assume attacks folk with MM as well as others.

    I get lots of bone pain and most are my arthritis, although I am riddled with lessions in my bones, including in my head! Trouble is, I find taking too many pain killers causes worse constipation so it is a viscious circle. I think this very cold weather doesn't help, but it might be in my imagination.

    Hope the news is "good" for you.


    Mavis x



    Hi Wendy

    Am sorry you are having Pain 🙁 and I hope they soon sort it all out for you.

    Good luck for friday

    Love Tom "Onwards and Upwards" xxx



    HI Wendy

    saw on your face book no PP really good news you can relax a while yet
    Regards Jo



    Hi all
    well I am very pleased to report that according to the radiologist in the multi disciplinary haematology team that reviewed my xrays, apparently there is no difference in the recent xray of my pelvis to the xray taken of my pelvis on diagnosis, the implication being that the recent xray shows old damage, not new damage caused by the return of myeloma. Hurray!!:-)

    Strange that it was told that my skeletal xray survey was normal but anyway I'm happy that its old damage (and the pain is going too!)

    Another excuse to celebrate 😀




    Hi Jo

    I dont think it was my post you read on facebook as I dont have paraproteins but see my recent update – its still good news!



    BH Sandra, you mean to say you've been going on with a fractured hip all this time, glad to hear its healing up and hope your mobility is improving and that your blood tests were goood

    Wendy x



    Great news Wendy well done so uplifting to read good news
    Jean x



    Wonderful News Wendy, Just what we need to throw us into the week end.

    I know its a worry every time we have a bit of a grumble but its best to be checked out 🙂

    Stay Well Wendy

    Love Tom "Onwards and Upwards" xx



    Phew, good news Wendy, now relax and take time to enjoy that Merry Christmas you probably haven't had time to prepare for yet?
    Love Helen




    Great news, so so pleased for you! Hooray. I seem to remember you were going to do an overseas holiday, somewhere like Vietnam? Did you or are you going? If you've been hope you had a great time. How does it work with injections for overseas hols?

    Anyway great news re the bones. Happy Christmas 🙂

    Vicki and Colin x

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