Is it too much to ask?

This topic contains 6 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by  Helen 12 years, 2 months ago.

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    Just a few weeks of feeling comparatively well?

    I have had the C: Diff since the beginning of May, well recorded here. 😉 Following my fall and the ensuing DVT in September the medics at our neighbouring Queen's Medical Centre seemed to have caught the damned bug with the Vancomycin treatment… and things were looking up. The treatment was quite lengthy, nearly 7 weeks in all, but it cleared it up quickly and it lasted 3 weeks after the last treatment… but now it is back… in a fashion.

    I have some of the symptoms and some of the aggravations but not all. I went to my GP but he was more concerned with my chest infection and seeing as C: Diff is caused by antibiotics in the first place he decided that the chest infection had priority and so I am on a week's course of Amoxycillin. In the meantime I am housebound with C: Diff Lite and feeling trapped. 🙂 :-S

    The good news is that my leg is now just about normal… and I am looking forward to driving again… only I don't want to be urging my satnav to find the nearest toilet in a rush,,, because the fastest satnav in the world wouldn't be quick enough for C: Diff. :-0

    I am on a rest week from Revlimid and next Monday will determine whether I stay on Rev & Dex or move on to something else. I will be fighting to stay on Rev & Dex, especially since the Haematologist at the QMC said that it was no wonder that my light chains were creeping up when the C: Diff was stopping the Revlimid from being properly absorbed. Of course, what I needed was a few weeks bug free to allow Rev the chance to perform… and now it has got C: Diff Lite to contend with. 🙂 >:-)

    Ah well. 😛

    Whatever It Takes.;-)




    Never mind the war and roses lets think the war and Dai's MM.
    Well its been a haul for you Dai but its one you will win again.
    You ought to Pen a song about your C Diff Life.

    Stay well Dai and get those bugs all shifted as am sure all you want is a few weeks of being drug and sick free 😀

    Tom "Onwards and Upwards"




    If anyone can do it you can. Your poetic words, even in relation to c diff, should be a reward to get some success and cessation for your ongoing tummy trouble. You have had a lot to contend with. And yes I agree revlimid can't work if it's not in your system. They need to give you another go…..I'm for starting the Dai for revlimid and break from c diff campaign 🙂

    Go Dai go, but not literally of course! 🙂

    Vicki and Colin x



    Well Dia

    C diff lite what ever next seems a pig a of a bug to take this length of time to be rid of it I hope they see sense and keep you on the rev dex combo "sounds like a good group!" a friend in my support group has been on this regime for over four years the last 6 month has been rev alone she also has to take something for loose bowls this has happened all the time on the rev so i wonder if its the rev and not the cdiff that is effecting you now you never know well you are not one to give up so keep fighting
    Love and a (((HUG):-) jO X



    Thank you all very much indeed. 🙂

    Janet joined me in my cough come dribble-sniff and treated herself with proprietary medicines, while i stuck to the AB's and Vick. 😎

    The good news is that we are both much better and the dribble-sniffs and cold-coughs both seem to be receding nicely… and best of all the A/B's seem to have the C: Diff under control as well… ether that or my immune system has kicked it not submission – either way not a sign since Wednesday – so finger's crossed. 😎 😀

    Beginning to feel better, beginning to feel good. 🙂 😉

    Thank goodness! :-0




    Hi Dai

    This C Diff seems to really have got you "on the run"! (Excuse the humour!!) So sorry it keeps coming back. It's this downside of antibiotics that they keep warning us about. We do need another breakthrough like when penecillin was discovered. I wonder if there is research into this?

    Glad you are soon to be back driving. I know, for me, it is like being let out of prison now I can drive again. This last couple of weeks have even seen me being able to get into the car and out without help, so this is real liberation. Hope the runs soon get under control so yo too can take advantage of the bright days we have been having. We had a day in Ilkley on Wednesday, for me, it was as good as a holiday as it was so long since i have been able to manage it. I am getting a dab hand with my electric scooter which makes shopping possible again. Just at the right time with Christmas coming. DO hope you will be able to enjoy sme of these things soon with Janet,

    Much love.

    Mavis x



    Dear Dai
    It is good to hear you are feeling a bit better and back to getting out again, despite the weather. Whilst not flooded, we have just switched our ground floor electrics back on again having had a blackout last Tuesday, some wire under the floor was no doubt sitting in a puddle. I hope the bloods are no worse on Monday and you get to continue with the Revlimid.
    Love Helen

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