Hi Carole, thanks for yr reply:-) what u say is extremely interesting – your husb Roger sounds exactly like John's more or less.. John is 14 yrs older than me, so he's 69 this yr, so he worked in the "heavy haulage" industry of Robert Wynns of Newport since a young lad, and goodness knows what they came into contact with half the time – John was a mechanic there for yrs and yrs, and he still talks about them now. He lived on the farm for around 30 yrs (sheep dip much in evidence of course) .. it's strange isn't it.?
I know of quite a few gentlemen who were able to have the removal of the prostate gland, when John was diag with the condition he was unable to have the op, the bad cells were around the gland, so the consultants said, and if he'd had the prostate removed the bad cells woud still be there, so they told him to have radiotherapy instead. He was told that he was young to have the condition – he was around 50 at the time – like Roger he had always worked shifts,in Wynns he worked nights…it makes me wonder..:-S
All the best to both u and Roger, and how is Roger now? Has he had his SCT yet? xxx