Is there anyone here from South Wales/poss link between prostate cancer & MM?

This topic contains 21 replies, has 8 voices, and was last updated by  tom 13 years, 1 month ago.

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    Hello WelshHelen – just to say my husband had prostate cancer in 2005 and didn't have chemo or radiotherapy – just had the entire prostate removed and since then his psa has been negligible. He was diagnosed with MM in Jan 2009 and the prostate consultant (lovely chap) was quick to say there was no link whatsoever. Interesting though that Roger, when in late teens, did work on a farm with heaven knows what chemicals and then worked 30+ years shifts which have been said to reduce effectiveness of the immune system. Although prostate cancer is not uncommon amongst men of a certain age, I believe that this age ties in with the fact that these men possiby worked in "heavy" industries and worked with chemicals and substances which were not then subject to "health and safety" regulations and perhaps could be a reason, why now, certain male members of this particular age group are also diagnosed with MM. To endure a diagnosis and treatment of cancer is bad enough and you get through it, but it doesn't make it any easier in dealing with a second one!! Keep your chin up WelshHelen.



    Hi Helen and John

    Gosh what a job they made of the BMB, I have been very Lucky with the Nurses and Dr that did mine, ye I knew I had it but could drive home and even went to work the morning after my first one :-0 yep it hurt but hey ho it has to be done 😀

    And gong back to the shaver I had to get one when I had my Transplant so I did not cut myself shaving but to be honest I lost all my hair and didn't need a proper shave for months 😎

    Good Luck and have a great week 😀

    Love Tom "Onwards and Upwards" xx



    Hi Helen
    I found from past experiences they never offered me a sedation but when I asked they were only to willing to give me one,I had bad experiences with the last 2 BMB's thats why the last one was done under sedation and what a difference didnt feel a thing it was all like a dream.
    I had an Auto in Jan 11 then my mini in June 11 using my brothers cells and my last results were completely disease free all part of a trial,long may it last.
    All the best



    Hi Carole, thanks for yr reply:-) what u say is extremely interesting – your husb Roger sounds exactly like John's more or less.. John is 14 yrs older than me, so he's 69 this yr, so he worked in the "heavy haulage" industry of Robert Wynns of Newport since a young lad, and goodness knows what they came into contact with half the time – John was a mechanic there for yrs and yrs, and he still talks about them now. He lived on the farm for around 30 yrs (sheep dip much in evidence of course) .. it's strange isn't it.?
    I know of quite a few gentlemen who were able to have the removal of the prostate gland, when John was diag with the condition he was unable to have the op, the bad cells were around the gland, so the consultants said, and if he'd had the prostate removed the bad cells woud still be there, so they told him to have radiotherapy instead. He was told that he was young to have the condition – he was around 50 at the time – like Roger he had always worked shifts,in Wynns he worked nights…it makes me wonder..:-S
    All the best to both u and Roger, and how is Roger now? Has he had his SCT yet? xxx



    Hello Tom and thanks for yr message.
    John has had lots of BMBs previously, like u he'd grit his teeth while he was having it done:-( but he was then able to drive home from the hosp, and was straight back into work (he's self employed, he's got a garage business for diesel/commercial vehicle repairs, and he's a total workaholic) 🙂 but this last one was done by a different doc, and cor, did she make a mess of him!
    Yes, John has been told he will lose his hair – he's got lots of it at the moment and hasn't lost it with the trial drugs he was on in the summer; thinking about it now, if he's going to lose all his hair, why does he need to get a razor??!! :-/
    Nice to hear from u Tom u r always so cheery!
    Take care of yrself, I'm off to get a bar of choc and some icecream (comfort food!) lol xx



    Hi Ian, glad to hear the sedation worked well for u with your BMBs – I remember having something of that sort when I was a teenager and had to have a lot of work done at the dentists! Cor, I thought I was flying!! It's good to know that it is available to you if you need it.
    Also very good news about your test results, that is wonderful and long may it continue, I say:-)
    All the very best Ian, and I will keep all my fingers crossed fgor you xx



    Hi Helen and John

    Hope you are both doing well so far 😀

    Well as for Johns hair and the need for a leccie shaver, its when it starts to grow back, if like mine it looked like the preverble hedge that was dragged through another preverable hedge :-S then the leccie shaver kept it bald till it started to grow back something like 😎

    Hope that helps and "Onwards and Upwards" leccie shaver in hand 😎

    Love Tom xxxx

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