
This topic contains 11 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by  tom 14 years, 3 months ago.

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    Hi all

    Mum started Revlimid on Monday and has started with really bad itching, is this a side affect of Revlimid and if so how can it be treated.

    with love michelle x x



    Hello Michelle – yes, itching is a side effect of Revlimid and I experienced it to a lesser degree. I didn't use any creams but I would suggest you contact Mum's team and tell them so that they can perhaps recommend a cream that will relieve the itching.

    I do hope that Revlimid will help her. Will be thinking of you both.
    Love, Gaye x




    Stephen was very itchy when he was on CDT and he used the stuff he uses for his eczema Sudocrem. I am always loathe to advise anyone to use something but this can be used on babies for nappy rash so should be gentle enough and may do some good.



    I felt as if I'd got nits for about 6 days. I took some Piriton, which seemed to help. The itching did wear off and hasn't returned.

    Good luck.




    Hi guys

    thanks, I have given her some antihistamine today and that has helped, she is back at hospital tomoz to see how she is getting on, so she is going to mention to the team then. dont know whether i was right or wrong giving but im sure it can only help, when i looked at her back she has a massive red rash, and it sure did look itchy.

    with love michelle x x



    When I took the Piriton, I took it without thinking of the interactions but when I told my consultant she was quite happy about it and said I'd done the right thing so even if it doesn't get rid of the itching completely, I'm sure it will reduce it without any problems.




    Hi Michelle

    Not being on Revlimid I cant add just wanted to wish your Mum well 😀

    Tom xx



    Thanks Tom, she is doing reasonably well, extremely tired tho, have to watch for her falling asleep with hot drinks in her hand lol!!! Itching still driving her mad, she back at hospital on monday, so hope they will give her something for it this time.

    with love michelle x x



    Hi Michelle I had to smile when I read your post !Falling asleep with a cup of coffee in my hand is my party trick too!! I even fall asleep halfway through a row of knitting and wake up ten minutes later and carry on !My kids think its hilarious Love to your mum and you of course Bridget x



    Hi Michelle

    Your welcome 🙂

    And as for the falling asleep with the Coffee well I do that bugger now and am only on Zometa lol

    Hope the "Mitch" soon gets better

    Love to you Both

    Tom xxx



    Hi Tom and Bridget

    Glad she is not the only one that falls asleep lol! She has my Dad and Brother in stitches sometimes, She will answer crossword questions for My Dad while she is sleeping but doesnt know the answer when she is awake ha ha ha!! and the other day picked up a fan and started faning herself, gosh what is the world of MM coming to!?!?!

    I took her shopping yday, cos she not been out all wk with the snow, and guess what? Yep she fell asleep in the wheelchair, not only pushing her round but at the tills too. Its really not a good look I keep telling her.

    Well least I get a laugh, and oh what memories she is giving us!!

    with so much love michelle x x x



    Hi Michelle

    No am sure we have lots of folk that nod off:-D

    And as for the answers to the crossword, try asking Mum for the Lotto Numbers when she nods off:-) you never know.

    I also would be temted to take a vid when Mum nods off and show Mom what you mean "Its really not a good look" ((oh thats nawty he he)

    Love to you and your Mum

    Tom xxx

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