itchy rash

This topic contains 5 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  tom 12 years, 10 months ago.

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    afternoon all

    henry is doing very well. he has been home 4 weeks now since his sct. he has put on some weight and is thinking of going back to work in 3 weeks. he has however developed a ras on his face, neck, shoulders and chest. i thought he was alllergic to some flowers we had so i got rid of them and gave him some piriton and calamine lotion. the consultant prescibed piriton and told him to stop taking the antibiotic. that was on wednesday and nothing has changed. he is feeling hot too. anyone had this or any ideas what it is? xxxx



    Hi I have had tiny hard itchy spots all over me since my transplant 8 months ago and was told 'this sometimes happens for some people' – no idea why! It's not red though and doesn't look like an allergy.
    I'd keep showing the docs to make sure there is no allergy going on, mine is beginning to lessen now and some of the spots are disappearing though my skin is still very dry and flakey.



    Yes I'v mentioned on here before about my itchy spots since my sct in oct. last year!!! Doc gave me anti hystemines witch help'd a little but think its something we've just to live with !!!



    Well what can I say my skin aint been the best I have dry skin (always have) so cant comment on it but I did have more of a body rash after sct?

    Hope Henry is soon sorted.

    Tom "Onwards and Upwards" xxx



    hi all
    henry went to the mac unit today coz the rash was getting worse. he was told to come in at 1pm and didnt see a doctor until 4.15 🙁 they were all in a meeting. anyway they dont know what the rash is they have taken blood cultures and a mouth swob and stopped all his meds. we go back on wednesday to hopefully find out what it is. watch this space. im so tempted to write to the ceo of mk hospital and complain but having worked for the nhs i know nothing will happen, so will just have to shut up and put up! the nurses are wonderful its the doctors who need a course in time management. rant over !! night
    sarah xx



    Hi Sarah/Henry have the same problem myself 9mths post 2nd sct.
    I had a similar problem after my first transplant but it only lasted 5 weeks.
    I think it's the damage the high dose Melphalan does to the cells in your skin and it is something we just have to put up with although there are creams that can help.
    Try to keep your skin well hydrated and of course drink plenty of water.


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