It's Back

This topic contains 31 replies, has 25 voices, and was last updated by  tom 11 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #111585


    Hi Tom

    Just caught up wit this. So sorry you got this news, and just before Christmas. Still like everyone else, I know you’ll kick it into touch again. And what advances those four years have bought. Think of the Velcade Three bravely battling to get it available for all, then the injection rather than infusion, and the other drugs. It sounds like some interesting things are coming out of this year’S ASH as the result of Trials.

    We do appreciate you so much.

    Lots of love.

    Mavis x



    Hi everyone
    Sorry I have not been on for some time but I have been busy packing and moving home, nw settled in a nice two bed bungalow, renting it and have shoved the money from the sale of our old house in the bank, now no money worries ha ha.

    Yes am sad I only got four years but happy that I have another treatment to move onto, Elaine (the young bride} and I knew it would come back and to be fair knew it was back before I got results as I had lost a bit of weight (yep belly nearly gone he he).

    I have BMB to be done on the th December then wait for results so today or tomorrow we will be going on line and booking a weeks break in the sun prior to the start of treatment.

    Thanks for your best wishes and finger and toe crossing am sure it helps.
    Love to you all

    Tom Onwards and upwards xx

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