Joint pain after ASCT

This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  silverlining1967 4 years, 1 month ago.

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    Is there anyone experienced joint pain few months after SCT? I have experienced joint pain in my hand fingers and knee two months after SCT. its not so sever. The pain started one week after I began doing some yoga at home



    Hello myeloma2016,
    Im due to have my 1st sct on the 1st feb.i had my stem cells harvested nearly a month ago, but these past couple of weeks i have started having bone pain in my hands/fingers,knees,shoulders, also slight swelling in fingers and feet.not sure whether its still the vtd in my system or something to do with the stem cell you its not severe but still a little nice if anyone could enlighten us on this. I hope your joint pain soon subsides. Good luck with the yoga.



    Hi silverlining1967
    Your joint pain are not unusual. It’s due to Harvesting stem cells but mine is a little bit strange coz it stated 2 months and half after SCT. So not sure is the side effects of high dose chemotherapy (melphalan) ot it’s something else.

    Take care



    Hi myeloma2016,
    Sorry i carnt be much of a help for you as i am slightly behind you as i have not had my sct as yet.its 6 weeks since i had my stem cells harvested so i wouldn’t have thought it would be the injections that i had to make more stem cells thats causing my joint pain.your joint pain could be a side effect of the melphalan you had.its very potent chemo and lets be honest all this medication we have all been receiving over long periods of time must tell on our bodies in some ways.have you questioned your consultant about your joint there anybody else on here that has/had sore joint pain couple of months after treatment/sct.hope you get your joint pain sorted.good luck with everything.take care.

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