Just been diagnosed with MM. Starting VTD from tomorrow

This topic contains 30 replies, has 13 voices, and was last updated by  ptlelec 4 years ago.

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    I am in Hospital tomorrow to start the harvest for my SCT!! Not sure when the SCT is going to be, but from the people I’ve spoken to the biggest issue with this condition is getting your mind around what is going on and keep your eye on the end goal!!
    Just keep your eye on the light at the end of the tunnel and be strong. I am 55 and was diagnosed last August, the NHS have been excellent professionals throughout the whole process of my treatment.
    Back in October I tried to go back to work as I felt fine, but I soon had to step back as the side effects (stress and headaches, among others) were just too much. But when I spoke to a phsycologist, it was only then that i decided that, as my family and friends had already told me, your health must come first!
    The side affects are wierd but work through them, it’s the steroids!! Keep a diary and tell yours nurses everything, they are great!!
    Every step I go through seems tough but they are hurdles that you do overcome! My latest one was injecting myself….no problem!!
    Remember, a long remission is our end goal and it is achieved through being strong and determined.
    Stay safe and keep well

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