Just checking in

This topic contains 2 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  bandityoga 10 years, 9 months ago.

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    I haven’t posted for a bit, well since Mike was in hospital very poorly. Glad to say he came home and has done really well. He is back to normal, well as normal as he can be. He is gaining strength and started to get out and about. All treatment is on hold at the moment. His PP level is 28 at its best it has only got down to 25 so they are going to leave alone for the moment, which we are pleased about. We have booked a week on the Norfolk Boards with my daughter her husband and my sons 2 children. Unfortunately my son cant come with us at the time we are going. We are hoping to book a cruise in October all being well.

    All good in the Palmer house



    Hi Jean

    Glad to see things have improved,make the most of this period and have a lovely time Eve



    Hi Jean

    Good to hear Mike is getting stronger. Enjoy your holiday.

    We are hoping to get away for a week at the end of June but haven’t decided where.

    Maureen x

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