Just diagnosed

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  kevin 8 years, 5 months ago.

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    Hi all

    newbe to the forum as only diagnosed Monday

    have been suffering with b12 deficiency and lost use of my legs – all b12 I was told until an appointment with thyroid specalist who suspected I had myeloma. After a 10 day stint in hospital and bone marrow biopsy, MRI, lumber puncture, nerve sensor tests and more bloods than I could imagine they could take I was sent home as results wernt back. 2 weeks later called to hospital to be told my bone marrow was fine and slight elevation in protein in lumber (6) 3 small holes in spine – I have myeloma – totally shocked!! Have to go back Friday to start treatment.  I am a very fit, healthy 51 yr old woman who feels great!!! So confused



    Hello Carolyn

    You will find a lot of useful information and advice on here as myeloma seems to be a very individual disease. You will find many experiences covered and can find answers to your questions via the myeloma uk nurses or contributors to the forum. My brief history is – diagnosed 10 years ago at 48. Has returned once since then. Both courses of treatment resulted in full remission. At the moment I am still in full remission, am on no medication and have a blood test and see my consultant every 6 months.
    Best wishes

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