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    So much for my hopes of staying asymptomatic….. 🥴 I’m starting D-VDT soon, ahead of a SCT. Can anyone advise on significant side-effects arising from this precursor/induction package?



    Hi Nick,
    One of the forum volunteers here. My experience of MM is through my dad who was diagnosed back in 2013 and is currently undergoing treatment for his first relapse.

    Sorry to hear that you didn’t stay asymptomatic but pleased to hear you have treatment lined up soon.

    My dad was on D-vd and he had quite bad digestive side effects with vomiting and diarrhoea and lost quite a lot of weight. Hopefully you wont suffer the same side effects or not as badly as everyone seems to respond differently to the meds as I know dads tolerated other treatments that others have not. All I’d say is keep your team informed of any side effects that you may encounter as they may be ale to help alleviate symptoms so that you feel as well as possible throughout the treatment.
    Good luck with the treatment x



    Thanks kh0305 👍



    No problem. Hope it all goes smoothly for you x



    Dear Nick,
    I was diagnosed at the beginning of the year. I’m a 55 year old woman.
    I started DVDT. I developed a rash on my belly and my oncologist put it down to the revlamid so we stopped that drug and continued with DVD. I have to say that I was on a real cocktail of other drugs at same time as I had severe vertebrae pain on diagnosis. The oncologist mentioned the reaction could have also been due to the cocktail. Anyway, I came off of the pain killers etc as soon as possible and finished 4 cycles of DVD. I’m now going for a SCT next week and as I have a high risk version of myeloma with have a 2nd SCT shortly after. I didn’t have any problems with the DVD.

    Hope this helps.
    Best wishes



    Thanks for this helpful advice,JC – and good luck with the SCT.



    Hi Nick,

    Myeloma UK have recently trained some peer-volunteers to assist on this forum. I am one such person and was treated for myeloma in 2019 with VTD and a stem cell transplant.

    I’m sorry to hear that you’re no longer asymptomatic, how long were you under observation for? How are you getting on with the D-VDT?

    Daratumumab wasn’t around when I was treated in 2019 so I was ‘just’ on DVT which I found tolerable, it was just the fatigue which was a bit of an ordeal, and the sleepless nights from Dex, and chemo-brain, but apart from that it was fine! It really helped to reduce my bone pain and got be back on a path to good health. As KH says, the side effects (much as the disease) affect people in a very individual way.

    The SCT was not as bad as I feared, but was very tiring and I felt ‘pretty ropey’ for a week in the middle of it.

    JC – If you’re reading this, how are you getting on, hopefully you’re over the worst days post transplant and your stem cells have engrafted?

    Best wishes to you both, and do give us a shout if we can give any advice or support,
    Rich 👍



    Hi Rich – thanks for this helpful & encouraging advice. I’ve just finished the 1st cycle of D-VDT; back and chest pain have eased but I had an MRI yesterday to ascertain the state of my spine. The occasional day aside, I’m not feeling very fatigued, and even on ‘Dex days’ I’m not having any problem sleeping. I’m also suffering from prostate cancer (the myeloma was discovered during pre-prostatectomy tests) so will be talking with my Consultant about how that operation – which they and I both want to proceed with – will be factored into the timeline! Nick

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