Just joined

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  marian 9 years, 10 months ago.

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    Hello all

    I’ve just joined and am inspired by your entries.  I’m hoping someone can help me.

    I had Smouldering Myeloma diagnosed last year.  Biopsy showed plasma cells 16%.  Immunoglobins 35.5 and paraproteins 26.4%.   My recnt readings are similar.   Some of you mention light chains.  I don’t know what that means?

    I’ld like to know, could this be  a reading close to full blown Myeloma.  I know it also depends on your other readings. They don’t tell you at the hospital.  Also while it’s asymptomatic,  I do get tired.  Is that normal?

    Last query.  Is it advisable at this stage to take supplements

    Many thanks and all the best




    Hi Marian,
    Welcome to the smoulderers/mgus forum which was set up relatively recently because there was a need to address the specific problems we encounter.
    Your queries are not new so I will try to answer them .
    Light chains ;
    In your bone marrow you have an excess of abnormal plasma cells which produce abnormal immunoglobulins /paraprotein/M spike ( normal immunoglobulins form antibodies )
    Each immunoglobulin is made of 2 heavy chains (of protein) and 2 light chains in a Y configuration.
    In myeloma the paraprotein production /breakdown often leads to an excess of one type of light chain .either K =kappa or L lambda chains being formed. Indeed some myelomas produce only light chains and no intact paraprotein
    The free light chain assay(££££) measures the amount of two light chains in the blood . In myeloma the affected light chain exceeds the unaffected light chain to give a increasing ratio ( K>L or L>K
    It has recently been confirmed that a ratio of 100 gives a 80 %+ chance that active myeloma will evolve in the next two years and is indication for starting treatment under those circumstances.
    So measuring light chains has become a supplementary test for assessing smm.
    the increasing ratio may predict a rise in the paraprotein . ( it also goes back to normal after successful treatment ) ;an expensive test which is of the menu in some centres
    That enough info at one go !



    Hello Mike

    Thankyou for your explanation.  It was all very clear.  I got a bit lost however with the bit  about the ratio.   I havn’t been given any light chain readings readings, so still not sure how that relates to my Paraprotein reading of 26.4 and total IgG 35.5.

    Thankyou for your help.  You’ve been very helpful.

    How are you getting on with tests and treatment etc?

    Best wishes



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