Just Made It

This topic contains 11 replies, has 8 voices, and was last updated by  andyg 12 years, 9 months ago.

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    Hi Everyone

    After two days harvest managed to get 4.02 so scrapped in without having to do another day again very impressed with Kings,but glad it is over,and I am just the carer LOL.so you can guess how Slim feels
    Next Thursday a full day of test starting at 8.30am.!!!
    After first consultation with doctor nothing has happened as he explained,which left us a bit concerned,the delegated nurse has managed to fit all appointments into one day,It might seem like hard work,but the cost and time travelling to London,plus the strain on Slim was too much.Eve



    Way to Go Slim, thats great news, I also done all mine in one day 🙂

    And its about time they sorted the appoitments out to run all in one day, yes Eve its an early start and it will be a long day but worth it:-)

    Keep Strong you two and hope it aint long now.

    Love and (((hugs)))

    Tom "Onwards and Upwards" xxxx



    Well done, Slim on getting all those little cells out!
    I only managed just over 2 million in 3 days. 🙁

    I am glad you have persuaded them to organise your appointments better. Though it will be a long tiring day for both of you so try and get some rest in beforehand to prepare for the ordeal.

    I will be thinking of you on Thursday Eve, and wishing you an uneventful day.




    Excellent news Eve & Slim… at last something positive has come your way… enough for 2 SCT's.

    I started my harvest schedule with a squeaky bum… by the end of the week, after 5 days on the m/c and 2 midnight returns for Pleraxifor (sp) injections, I just scraped in with 2.1m… and I had to wait until Monday am to find out! I was so relieved and grateful that my squeaky bum was farting the Trumpet Voluntary… The Prof said he would have gone ahead with 1.8m… so its nice to know that there is a little leeway.:-)

    I only got 10 months from the procedure… and therefore considered a failure but I cannot fault the care and effort, release of funding for the ultra expensive Pleraxifor jabs and the perseverance and determination of all the staff in the DayCase Unit at City Hospital, Nottingham. I am so glad to have them onside… regardless.:-)

    2 SCT's… use them well grasshoppers… may each give you time aplenty for whatever you want or need to do… I feel so grateful that after all you have been through that you have finally reached this stage… with backup.8-)




    Thanks Tom Eliz and Dai
    It did take 2 days Tom as the first bloods came in at only 19%,the man next to Slim came in with88%,the first day they got 1.9,so Slim injected him self at 7pm and 7am,that seem to do the trick.4.02 overall .They rang up the same night each time to let us know.which I though was very thoughtful of them.

    I have been impressed with both units chemo and Apheresis ,and it does give you a lot of confidence,about the rest of the treatment going well.

    Dai you made me laugh,Slim hiccupped his way through treatment if it had been both ends,I would have run for the door. He was feeling pressure at the end desperate to go to the loo,refused to take his laxative the night before,because he hates to be rushed in the morning,and I was trying to get as much fluid down him as possible,tied to a machine for hours is hard going.Eve



    Well done Slim
    dear Eve
    hope the other tests are fine very sensible to get all appoinments on the same day it may be tiring but it will be over in a day
    Good luck
    Love Jo x



    Hi Eve,

    How I managed to get through five full days on the harvester without needing a No.2 still escapes me. I am usually quite regular, (one of the things Janet found attractive about me when we first started courting – well, bless her, there wasn't a lot of choices) – I am convinced it was mind over matter (similar to miners who smoke a lot… they can go a full shift without thinking about a cigarette but the second they reach the pit top the craving comes pouring back).

    Let us know as soon as Slim gets his dates… scary but exciting times.




    That's great Eve, Slim is catching up fast, hope he sticks to the plan now.

    Dai, what you chaps will do to attract a mate never ceases to amaze;-) made me laugh!

    And Elizabeth, how did you do that enormous smiley?
    Love Helen



    WooHoo Well done Slim thats the way to do it !! Worth being shattered for . Like you we have quite a journey to the hospital . as you say its cost as well as time so the team at UCH always try and schedule as many tests in one day as they can Although you get home exhausted at least you havent got to face it all again the next day. Well not too long to wait till the next part now I am sure it will go smoothly too , if anyone deserves some good luck its Slim Love to you both Bridget x



    Hi Everyone
    Nice to see you all in a good spirited mood on this beautiful day 1 st of April,it always gives me the feeling that spring is here although its a bit cold outside.Should be a glorious month for the spring flowers.
    Hi Jo nice to hear from you,have you been off on holidays again!! will not be long before Helen,s off to NZ should be saving those shorts ans t shits for NZ.!!if it was just me I would be off like a shot,envy is not a good thing but I feel it,not use to being so confined.

    Its so nice to hear Dai and BRidget in such good spirit as you both have had a lot of disappointment lately,this little world of MM becomes the norm.
    Let us hope this new spring brings more than the flowers,renewed hope and some new medical breaks.and in the mean time we will support and be there for each other love Eve



    Hi Eve
    It's good to hear yours and Slim's good news. It's given me a lift as I begin my latest attempt at getting my stubborn paraproteins to a level for a sct. I'm lucky in that I'm only 10 mins from my haematology department though if errr I mean when I go for a sct I'll have to travel to Newcastle freeman hospital which is nearly 40 miles away. Anyway I'm getting ahead of myself 😉 I hope everything goes well and Slim gets a long remission and you get back to living your lives as normal as possible.
    All the best to the future

    Andy xx



    Helen asked[quote]And Elizabeth, how did you do that enormous smiley? [/quote]

    I spotted yesterday that there is now an "image" button along the top of the Reply box (bneath the word "Message"), so all I needed to do once I had googled a suitable smiley was to copy its URL into the text box that appeared when I clicked the image icon.

    It is a little square with a miniature scene of a sun and a mountain, placed between the "link" button and the "quote" button.

    I hope this makes sense.


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