kidney failure and sct

This topic contains 2 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  eve 11 years, 11 months ago.

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    Hi, have had lambda light chain under treatment velcade/dex for nearly 4 months – initially creatnine was 800 now about 200 but urea still at 14.1 giving me about 16% function – Dr believes its all permanent damage now – light chains from 1100 to say 120ish. Has anyone achieved any significant kidney improvement after 4 months when condition remains stable? Also supposed to be having SCT with dialysis which Dr says won;t damage them "much" more but cannnot find any info re how "much" this is likely to be which could mean permanent dialysis for me which I don't want – plus light chain still beyond 100 for harvesting – has anyone SCT'd with high nos and got a complete remission? my understanding was they should be near normal to achieve a good response? Lots of questions and cannot find any answers, please help if you can. Thanks



    Hi Rebecca

    Sorry I can't help you with your questions, but just wanted to wish you luck

    Vicki and Colin x



    Hi Rebecca

    Are you on dialysis ?..,

    I can only tell you about my husband he was admitted with AKF,as he progressed his kidneys regenerated,never went on dialysis!!!!!when it came to his SCT they took on board the knowledge of his kidneys,and he had a lower dose of chemo,but enough to do the job.

    There are people on here who have had SCT and dialysis ,and it worked for them,also some it did not work for,aim sure you will hear from them just be patient and give them a chance to reply,it's worth bumping you post up so they see it .Eve

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