Kidney Issues in second week of Chemo


This topic contains 17 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  rebeccaR 3 months ago.

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    … inserts emoji “blown-kiss” !!



    Hi thanks for the updates and good news,

    I will update on her progress, she was transferred to Basingstoke hospital as Southampton is full but will go down there when a bed space is free.

    Her Kidneys are currently at 10% even though the Myeloma is coming down and the doctors are saying she will be in hospital to at least Christmas, they do however say that she should get a remission.

    Has anyone else spent so much time in Hospital? 4 Months seems along time, but I guess if she gets the remission it will be worth it, also does anyone know how low the Kidneys can go, a few days ago they were at 12 and after the round of aggressive chemo they have gone down a little, which might be down to the drugs.

    Thanks Stu



    Hi Stu – I think long stays in hospital are not uncommon when you are diagnosed at a critical point and with other damage. Your mums low kidney function requires monitoring closely whilst on chemo and until deemed stable and treatment is often prolonged with kidney issues as often less aggressive. I think the fluctuation in kidneys will correspond directly with chemo treatment and then you’ll see a gradual rise once the bulk of the chemo is out of her system. When first diagnosed I was about 10 gfr after initial rehydration therapy and as they didn’t know the cause I was about to be transferred for dialysis but this was stopped when MM was discovered and the initial chemo improved the figure slightly. I was in hospital for about 6 weeks and allowed Home at 16 gfr stable with a good reduction in the cancer and going back for weekly treatment. I could function fine at 16 below 10 makes dialysis – even temporarily- a possibility. When your mum is felt to be on a stable recovery path I am sure she will come home. I felt very vulnerable coming home as there is a real sense of security being treated in hospital having people on hand daily. She will, of course, be well supported when Home and can call in with any concerns etc but I am sure she will overall feel better in hospital until she has reached some stable figures. This is a marathon not a sprint and everyone’s journey is slightly different – just try and celebrate the small improvements and recognise the cyclical ups and downs of chemo treatment.

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