Hallo , my name is Jeff, I am 75,, was diagnosed some 4 years ago, and have started treatment ( x1 trial, CDTa ) 6 months ago. Fortunately, I have experienced only comparatively minor side effects.However; the myeloma has damaged my spine, causing severe pain – 30mg Zomorph morning and evening to control it. The big effect this has had is to reduce my height from 6'1" to 5'9", which is causing me discomfort and digestion problems, among other things; on the plus side my short tee shirts now fit me!! I foresee this change may well cause further problems in the future, and would like some proactive action taken. There has been talk (is it a general thing that information has to be virtually prised out of the consultants?) of vertobroplasty, but I feel this would leave me with the problems I am experiencing now, but the procedure that would restore some height, a kyphoplasty, wasn't suggested, when I mentioned it I got what I felt was negative feedback. Has anyone had experience of this procedure, if so, was it difficult to arrange, and was it successful?
I find the uncertainty of the future quite unsettling, and the only way to deal with it is to assume everything will be ok, and am living my life to this rule, otherwise you just put your life on hold.So, as my doctor relative says " keep on trucking"!! Jeff