Latest results :-(

This topic contains 5 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by  DaiCro 12 years, 10 months ago.

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  • #98931


    Hi all.
    As you may know I haven't been responding well to any of the treatments so far. Well I've just been called by my specialist nurse with my paraprotein result after my first cycle of Rev/Dex. Not good news my paraproteins are still being very stubborn and have actually gone up slightly from 38 to 41 not a lot but a big blow. I don't know where the medics and I go from here. I see my consultant Friday hopefully she'll have some answers and some hope.

    Take care all.



    Hi Andy,

    I am sorry that Revlimid has not had the required effect but surely they will give it at least three cycles before calling a day with it? I am on Cycle 3 of Revlimid & Dex… my light chains started at 311… went down to 156 and then a fortnight later went back up to 206… I was ready to be devastated but my lead nurse said that all the other bloods showed good signs and not to worry about it… she said that there is often a fluctuation with Revlimid as it settles into a pattern and an upward curve is quite normal.

    I am still waiting for my free-light test to show the current reading but at my last consultant's meeting last week (at the start of Cycle 3) she said there was no need for an interim bloods test (as in Cycles 1&2) and she didn't want to see me for 4 weeks.

    So I hope they persevere with you for at least 3 cycles… given the mercurial properties of the drug… and although your pp's went up, the reading is so small as to be insignificant… next time it could plummet… hopefully it will. 🙂




    Hi Andy
    Just caught up with this post after replying to your post on "general".
    I am so sorry your results from you Rev/Dex havent been so good. I really do hope as its only after your first cycle that its just a temporary blip and further cycles will be successful. I will keep fingers and toes crossed for your meeting with the consultant on Friday. Please keep us posted.
    Love Lyndax



    Hi Andy

    Am sure its a worry but I like Dai hope its just a blip. Its a worry at times like this but am hoping it soon settles.

    Keep Strong

    Tom "Onwards and Upwards"



    Hi Andy
    There is always hope until the medics tell you otherwise. So hang in there. I am sure it was a shock and very upsetting for you but there are so many other treatments and combinations. The right one for you is just around the corner and don't forget they look at a whole lot of data not just one Mprotein reading. So chin up you have to get to the Belgium (Beer Xmas)markets in December.
    Love Teresa.



    Hi Andy
    I do hope that Friday is positive for you, keep us posted.
    Love Helen

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