Leg pain

This topic contains 5 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  debgill68 10 years, 11 months ago.

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    Hi, this is the first time I have used this forum, so please forgive me if I am posting in The wrong section.

    I was diagnosed with AMM in November and have been having treatment of  Zoledronic acid, every 8 weeks. All my calcium, para protein levels and kidney function is normal. So my consultant is pleased with this. My MRI showed no bone damage either.

    My problem is pain in my right groin area which today when walking home turned into an immense pain going down my front thigh stopping at the knee. They were short shocks, but have been having them all day, and literally stop me  in my tracks.

    my question is does anyone else have any similar pain? . I don’t know if this is related to the myeloma or something else.



    Hello Debgill68

    You say the MRI showed no bone damage- which area was surveyed by MRI?  If the pain continues I would go back to your GP / consultant and report this they will decide further investigation MRI if required.





    Hi Dusk, thanks for replying.

    I had the scan on my hips and the back ( full) .

    Will see how the pain is over the weekend, and if still bad pay a visit to my Gp. Either way I will mention it to my consultant at my next visit .



    Hi. I’m not the one with myeloma but my husband was diagnosed at the start of January after having had a plasmacytoma diagnosed and treated last year. I think any pain should be taken seriously, so don’t wait until your next appointment with the consultant but get it checked out. If you have a clinical nurse specialist, give her/him a call on Monday. They should advise you what to do. If you don’t, it may be worth speaking to your consultant’s secretary to ask for advice. The GP may not be much help, as most don’t know a lot about myeloma and perhaps aren’t in the best place to judge whether or not your pain might be related. If you are getting pain that severe, you really do need to do something about it. It may be something trivial in the end, but at least you would know and be able to stop worrying.

    I hope in the meantime that the pain eases.




    Hello debgill, this pain sounds similar to the one I’ve been getting for about a fortnight, very painful and as you say stops you in your tracks and has put me on a walking stick. I went to see my GP, who is very good, he didn’t think it was anything to do with Myeloma ( neither did my consultant when I saw her last Thursday). He told me to increase my morphine which I am already on for back pain caused by Myeloma affecting it. This has eased it but not completely ” outed ” it. So I should certainly see your GP at least to get some relief as the pain certainly needs at the least some management. Sorry I can’t be more helpful.Jeff605



    Thanks jeff605 and sal.

    At the moment the pain has eased of, but I have kept a diary  of it so if I don’t have another episode I will remember to tell my consultant, or GP.

    Fingers crossed it was a one off and is not connected to the myeloma.

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