Leicester Myeloma Support Group

This topic contains 0 replies, has 1 voice, and was last updated by  tonyf 10 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #119877


    Greetings one and all.
    We have a new Myeloma Specialist Nurse, Cath Morrow, at the Leicester Royal Infirmary, she is very keen to restart the Myeloma Support Group in Leicestershire. I have volunteered to help.
    We intend to have a table in the reception area of the clinic, starting on Thursday 8th January and continuing for some weeks, this will give us the opportunity to meet patients and discuss the group activities and to get ideas from fellow patients as to how the support group could function.
    We would like to meet as many of you as possible, so please stop and say hello, alternatively I can be emailed at: tony.farquharson@btinternet.com
    Tony F

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