lenalidamide maintenance side effects

This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  ree2112 3 years, 6 months ago.

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    After being on this treatment for 7 months and finally reducing my pill to 5mg I am cooping really well with the side effects which are a long list but you just have to deal with the different ones on a daily basis.
    but the one thing I miss are real feelings and sexual feelings!
    Has anyone else had any experience with this void and have anything that might help as sometimes I feel more like a robot and the person is missing inside!
    Hope this makes sense as its quite a delicate subject but one my consultant has no answer for but brushes me off to the g.p. and he obviously has no experience with how this drug affects you. so I feel abit let down as this is quite an important thing for me.
    your help and thoughts would be much appreciated, thanks for your time.



    I don’t know if it is the lenalidamide. I feel all my husband is there for is to rub whatever part of my body is cramping whilst on this drug. I love him dearly but I do feel like I’m failing him, he says not but you can’t help how you feel… One side affect mentioned on the McMillian leaflet is erection problems so I’m wondering if it works both ways hmmm
    You will feel human again but when I don’t have the answer, sorry. Have you approached the subject with your CNS? Have you seen your GP? Maybe some form of counselling might be a good idea because let’s face it we’re all going through a bit of a crappy time and a little bit of love does no harm.
    Good luck xx



    HI Ree,
    Thanks so much for your reply,its interesting you fell the same way!
    I don’t know what you mean by c.n.s. but I have spoken to my consultant and my doctor and they doesn’t seem to know where to go!!
    Many thanks



    Your CNS is your cancer nurse specialist, if you have one that is.
    Chin up


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