I am sorry to hear about your news,it’s not very nice when all hopes seem to fade,!
You must be absolutely shattered with all that’s been going on since last January,with hardly any time to take everything in,your experiences of hospitals is becoming more commen place,waiting hours just to be put on a drip,when your husband was so ill,it is all wrong,they do not make life any easier for you,does not seem to matter that your dying and part of it is the,treatment that is given,no sick person should be treated like your husband was,you can only think we’ll he does not have to go through this any more,he is at peace.
I don,t have to ask how you are feeling!!!! I will just say take one step at a time,keep a smile on your face no matter how you feel,these next few weeks will all pass in a blur,be strong and live your life to the full. My condolences and best wishes for your future .Eve