Lenolidimide side effects

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    Has anyone had problems with hearing or brain fog ..like having a head cold which affects balance ,eyes and orientation ?



    Hi Ednarainbow,

    Brain fog does happen.

    In terms of not thinking clearly, today has been a bad day for me. First I selected a pizza for lunch which contained bacon (I’m vegetarian). Then I managed to leave a heavy weight in such a position in the gym that it could easily have toppled over and hit someone.

    However, I think you are referring more to dizziness, as you mention balance and orientation. Currently I am having good and bad days on this. I have mentioned it repeatedly to my consultant (he doesn’t know) but it would be consistent with anaemia.



    I too get brain fog. Not constantly and doesnt appear to be any pattern to it so I wasnt sure what to blame it on.
    I feel like my head is full of cotton wool and yes a bit like being stuffed up with a head cold. My eyes are ok but my hearing dulls. I also find my concentration goes. However, I just write things down, carry a note book with me and keep pen and paper handy about the house. I find the brain fog annoying more than anything. It is bearable but I’d like it to go away!



    I developed brain fog after three months of lenalidomide and cyclophospahimde treatment. When I raised this with my consultant he pointed out that I had become anaemic (my haemaglobin level had dropped from 126 to 98). I was given a blood transfusion and the dosages of lenalidomide and cyclophsphamide have been halved. After the transfusion I felt much brighter but one week later the effect has worn off and brain fog is returning.

    It seems to me that the anaemia was caused by my lenalidomide. I haven’t had a blood test recently but suspect that my haemaglobin level is still pretty low.



    My low Hb (98) was caused by some form of Iron Deficiency, confirmed by hospital blood test. My blood Iron level was close to zero! Plenty in my red blood cells, but not enough to help with their regeneration in my bone marrow.

    I was given two top up boosts of Iron in hospital, iv drip.

    My Haemoglobin shot up after this to normal levels (140). You can get kits on Amazon to measure your Hb by pricking your finger. I would though stress to go by what your hospital blood test results are, and use the home kit to monitor whether your Hb is going up or down.

    I also take a daily iron supplement tablet to try to ensure my Iron does not get too low again. I found the hospital tablets had an adverse effect with my bowel movements, but they warn you of this. Its the high amount of iron in each tablet, 200 mg. I’ve since found 40 mg tablets that I don’t seem to have any side effects with.

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