Life Insurance

This topic contains 3 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  derek 9 years, 12 months ago.

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    I have been under the care of the cancer Unit for the last 6 years.  My sympoms make me on the border of being MGUS/ Smoulderig Myeloma, therefore I have not been given a diagnosis. I attend appointments every 6 months to check my blood levels, I do not receive any medication and for the last 6 years my bloods have remained the same.

    I am thinking of life insurance and wanted advice as to whether I should disclose this as I do not want my premiums to rocket up because of the cancer if it is MGUS?  Advice please, anyone been through anything similar?


    Thank you



    Hi Kells.

    Just come across your post and see you’ve not had a reply yet.

    In my eyes saving money on premiums by not disclosing MGUS is pointless because if you ever have to make any claim your medical history will be examined and your diagnosis of MGUS discovered and your insurance will probably be null and void so all your reduced premiums will of been wasted.

    Travel insurance will be the same always disclose.

    Every day is a gift.





    Hi jells,

    Yes I would endorse what any says, it’s much better to disclose and being totallyopen means there is no room for argument or ambiguity,

    Vicki and Colin x



    Hi Kells 79,

    I have spent many years travelling by car to Spain and back I have taken advantage of several Hospitals in France and Spain at no charge whatsoever and found that the treatment I got was very good no worse than in England I have never thought that I needed insurance in Europe so my advice is if its in Europe go and enjoy yourself whilst the going is good

    My wife is aged 68 and I am 78 this year

    Dont worry be Happy


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