Light at end of Tunnel?

This topic contains 2 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Vicki 11 years, 4 months ago.

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    Just completed cycle 4 of CTDa, and having bad time with brain fog all month and particularly bad post-steroid downers.
    However para protein was at 3 last month so consultant happy that I can stop chemo at end of this cycle. No point having treatment causing more problems than disease, he said.
    Now very apprehensive as to what happens next. I know that bone biopsy and skeletal scan will be done to confirm remission.
    Just looking forward to some relief from this horrid chemo regime.
    Anyone else stopped regime early in this way?
    What was process after that?
    Of course, on top of the MM, he now suspects that I have Parkinson's ! So more tests and more stress.



    Hi Tony

    Sorry you have had to stop treatment early, but it sounds as if it has done a good job if it has got your PP down to three.
    Hope you can have a break now to get more back to "normal".

    I did full six cycles of CDT and have been in remission for over a year.

    Do hope the Parkinson tests come back negative.

    Best wishes.




    Hi there,

    So sorry to hear you are having to go through more tests and stress. Hopefully though you can get some positive respite from it all for a while.

    Best of luck

    Vicki and Colin x

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