Light Chain measurement

This topic contains 2 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  docmike 10 years, 4 months ago.

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    I read lots of posts referring to ‘light chains’ and have read the info sheet on them; but it is something never mentioned by my haematologist (I intend to ask him at our next meeting.)
    How common is this measurement amongst my fellow MMers?



    Hi Anthony, not sure what the stats are on light chain MM v MM would expect it to be 50/50 chance? as we equally have both heavy and light parts in our system. If your consultant never mentions it then I would suppose you have normal “heavy chain” MM where measurements are gauged on the level of paraprotein in the blood. I have “light chain” MM – in that the “light” chains can break away and thus patients are more susceptible to kidney damage (due to difficulty in filtering in the light chains blocking the kidneys). I am only measured on the light chains as I do not really produce an M spike/paraprotein reading as those with standard MM do – so measuring the light chains is an accurate gauge to the extent of cancer. I did ask once which was the best type to get for survival rates and was told it makes no difference as it all depends how the MM is for you. I think you are diagnosed later with light chain and often when kidneys have been affected due to the lack of paraprotein measurement in the blood – tho I am told some with light chain M do have paraprotein readings also – as with everything in myelomaworld it’s all very contradictory and individual! Glad the V&D is working out OK for you – I had 8 cycles of it and found it ok – think the biggest drop you find is in the first cycle and then it slows down quite a bit. Met a woman once in clinic who had it and got 2 yrs remission and they were trying it again for her – just watch out and report any PN before it gets too bad.




    hi anthony
    Free light chain assays are expensive but are superior to urine bence jones analysis and have a potential role in assesssing “whats going on “at all stages and types of myeloma . A superior complete response(sCR) to treatment includes a normal fee light chain result/ratio.
    Resistance i suspect comes from lab and clinicians have to fight their corner .
    Best wishes Mike

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