Light Chains

This topic contains 18 replies, has 13 voices, and was last updated by  SIMS 11 years, 3 months ago.

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    Christina, normal kappa lambda ratio is between 0.26 to 1.65.




    I still don't claim to understand light chains and their significance however Mum's bone marrow biopsy showed that she has only around 20% bone marrow viability (this relates to the ability of the bone marrow to do what it should do as part of the normal immune system I think) so she is certainly not a candidate for Bendamustine. That was back in September and she is not having any further treatment at the moment, we are doing a watch and wait every six weeks. Her last light chain reading was around 5,000 with PPs at 24. All other bloods normal although neutrophils still low as a result of the Revlimid. It doesn't appear as though the high level of light chains is causing a problem at the moment.
    On the positive side she is really very well without the drugs – in fact much better in herself than I have seen her for some time. At 84 years old her quality of the time she has left is the most important thing.
    Hope they can resolve your back pain John,
    All the best,



    Thanks so much for your reply. Very new to all this. We are seeing the consultant on Wednesday where we will hopefully understand it a bit more.
    My husband is feeling really well so it was a surprise to have a January appointment brought forward to this week.



    Hi Jill, My husband was 56,000! when he was first diagnosed nearly 15 months ago, with kidney failure, he was very ill, however had no symptoms until 1 month before he was diagnosed,,hes had a stem cell transplant, it was very difficult after the stem cell transplant, which went extreamly well he has been back on chemo, and still have light chains around the 175, mark, this is the lowest hes ever been,as long as your mum is being treated and monitored try not to worry , the point Im trying to get over is that everyone is so different,and different people seem to be able to tolerate differnt levels,the health professionals will have it in hand, for your information we used the Royal Marsden and I cant thank them enough.Good Luck your mum will not want you to worry any questions you need to ask, ask your mums consaltant and perhaps they can explain the plan they have for her treatment, xx

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