I was originally diagnosed with PSC while living in London and have since had my liver tx in Canada. I lived in the UK from 1986-2000 & 2007-2010. I likely had PSC progressing from about 1983-onward, along with colitis (which was treated – total colectomy – in 1998, and I have an ileo-anal pouch).
I had my liver tx during 2000, and was followed at the Royal Scottish Liver Transplant unit during my 2007-2010 time in the UK.
I have since been diagnosed (Aug 2014) with multiple myeloma and the possible plan is an autologous stem cell transplant.
Has anyone had any similar experience or aware of any experience of a liver tx recipient receiving an stem cell transplant for similar treatment? Is this better asked in a different part of the forum?
Of experience of liver invovlement/recovery post high-dose chemo (melphalan)
Any thoughts or help would be appreciated, though we are finding out this is something relatively new for us!
Bye for now, thanks…