Loss of Apetite and Severe leg pain during the night


This topic contains 4 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  muralijoy 6 years, 8 months ago.

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    My mum was recently diagnosed with Myeloma and she has done a Bone Marrow biopsy to check the level of cells and hopefully she will go through the Stem Cell transplant.

    But she is experiencing loss of appetite and she is completely not taking any food at all and it is very hard to feed her. Could anyone help with this and please advise how to overcome?

    Also she is experiencing severe leg pain in the night and she could not even sleep. She is only 55 years old. Please any help much appreciated.



    I was first diagnosed when I was 49 and relapsed when 54. I am sure Her consultant will give Her a course of treatment before the SCT. This seems to vary with each consultant. I had Cyclophosphamide, Thalidomide and Dexamethasone. The Dexamethasone is a steroid and from my personal treatment it gave me a good appetite. I think consultants use steroids in each case, which one may differ. My suggestion would be to tell the consultant about these 2 issues and I am sure they would come up with a solution. I hope this helps a little but I can only talk about my personal situation as have I have said consultants have there different courses of treatment and also each patient is different. I am having treatment again now (I am now 60)of which Dex is part of it and again my appetite has increased. Sorry I cant give a definitive answer to your questions but the issues something your Mums Consultant should be aware of.
    Best wishes




    I also meant to say you might find it helpful to get in touch with the nurses at Myeloma UK and ask them.



    Hello All

    Tony here 48 years old from Coventry in the UK, diagnosed last November, started treatment February, in remission after 4 cycles, waiting on Stem Cell Treatment.

    Not sure why I’ve received an email alert for the original post, but it’s prompted me to make my first post here:-)

    You should certainly speak with the consultant looking after you to explain your concerns. It’s not clear what stage of treatment your Mum is in, but my appetite increased dramatically when on steroids, but after stopping using steroids, my appetite has reduced to below levels. I was just having this conversation with my concultant today 🙂

    I am also suffering with leg pain (Both legs). Mine started during Chemo Treatment when my legs got really bloated. Because my Chemo treatment was going so well, they took me off Thalidomide which got rid of the leg bloatedness very quickly, and also the pain.

    I had some more leg pain after the leg bloatedness had been cured, and this was fixed again by taking me off the water tablets I had been taking to help with removing any excess fluid during the leg bloatedness issue. This again cured the pain issue.

    I finished my treatment after 4 cycles and I am now in remission, looking forward to my Stem Cell Replacmentscheduled for the next month or so, but the leg pain returned about 3 weeks ago after finishing treatment. Very painful as you say, and I have been prescribed some medication from my consultant, so please speak with them about this problem.

    In my case, they think me stopping taking the steroids quickly after using them regularly, may have had an effect on my muscles which is causing the pain. Mine lasts most of the day. The good news is that I can feel this getting better over the recent days. I hope you can find a solution to your problem after speaking with your consultant. Let us know how you are getting on.





    Hi Tony and Kevin, I am really thankful for your responses and again thank you for your time. My mum initially was diagnosed in Jan 2018 in Sri Lanka and the doctor started with 4 cycle course with I believe it was Bortezomib. After the cycle she returned to the UK and the doctors are going through all the testings again including Bone Marrow Biopsy. We have an appointment on 6th July and I will talk to my mum’s consultant. Thank you again for your reply.

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