
This topic contains 18 replies, has 14 voices, and was last updated by  tmc 12 years, 5 months ago.

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  • #107671


    Hello Judy, I am sad that I have only got to "meet" you here after your husband has lost his fight against myeloma 🙁

    I shall be thinking of you and your family as you find a way through this difficult time.




    I am so sorry for your loss. My husband passed 10 March. There are good days, bad days and days I still feel lost. Have you thought of bereavement counsiling? I had my 1st one on Monday & found it very helpful. I wish I knew the magic words to help but unfortunatly they're different for everyone. Just know there is always support on here. Feel free to send a private message as well if you ever want to talk. Hope you are holding up ok..
    Best wishes,
    Chelle xx



    Hello Teresa
    I'm sitting in the garden on one of the few summer days we have had here this year. I'm looking at the flowers and thinking of you.
    Love Helen



    Hi Judy Jean Tom Eve Ozzy Eliz Liz Dai Gill Ann Min Chelle and Helen
    It is so kind of you all to post to me

    It is such a nice fuzzy feeling to know you are all thinking of me and have taken time out of your day to post.

    I think I have answered with a more up to date activites on
    Thank you after 5 weeks of grieving
    and Not Looking Good.(Gills post)

    I hope to read your posts now and again.
    It has been so lovely for me to have you all in my life at such a terrible time.
    I do like to read of your everyday posts and feel connected still.

    It was a 1st to get through this weekend. My son"s birthday without his dad
    We all went to Bellwoods brewpub(my son in laws pub) and had Sunday lunch on the patio in the still very hot weather.

    Love Teresa

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