Low Blood Counts

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    Let's see if this version prompts at least 1 reply? Recent blood results as follows Hb(8.5) Plts(29) Neuts(0.6).
    Although these figures are very low I do feel well so I'm not too worried about the situation. I have an appointment with the Consultant on Thursday when we can discuss the next step. I don't understand why my blood counts are so flat but tbh I always have had very low Platelets the lowest been 19 and usually no higher than 40 so maybe that's just me. Haemoglobin tends to be around the 8-9 mark and Neuts between 0.5-2.5. The norm seems to be anything from 11-14 for Hb 3-5 for Neuts and 150-400 for platelets but I've never got near these figures and I don't think I ever will. I'll just have to be happy with feeling well.

    Good health to all.




    Hi Keith
    I am glad you are feeling well at the moment the bloods do seem strange my hb fluctuates between 9.5 and just recently 7.5 i think this much to do with my dodgy kidneys but has been worse since starting velcade Do they think you might get back to normal any time soon i hope this is not it! had my week off from velcade last week and felt worse then when i was having it i suppose its the build up start again on wed
    Keep well
    Love Jo x



    Dear Keith,
    I'm so pleased you're feeling ok. I only know a little about all the parameters in a blood test – too low hemoglobin and you run out of puff, platelets too low and you can bruise easily, neutrophils too low and you can catch bugs. The way our bone marrow works gets compromised by all the treatments, and I suspect that even a doctor cannot say with certainty what is causing what. I think that both Rev and Thal can lower neutrophil levels. I do know that when neutrophils go below 0.5 then you are at real risk of catching things. One additional parameter to look at is what level your immunoglobulins are: for example if your myeloma is IgG, then your 'good' IgG may be suppressed, as well as your IgM and IgA. A doctor can advise you whether these have fallen so far that you are at greater risk. In some countries patients get intravenous immunoglobulins each month to boost their immunity: I'm not sure that the NHS will be too keen on providing that service at the moment. Always worth a try.
    Anyway keep us posted. I'm due a blood test tomorrow – still on Thal and a bit alarmed by all the words I'm forgetting when I try to explain something. Surely I haven't aged that fast?



    Hi Eva
    That is just what has happened to my husband. We are hoping the consultant will put a case forward for immunoglobulin transfusion as Henry's immune system is low and he has had 6 chest infections now. I will keep you posted.
    Love sarah xx

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