lower back spasms

This topic contains 7 replies, has 7 voices, and was last updated by  eleven11 12 years, 9 months ago.

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    I've recently been diagnosed with Myeloma at the age of 47. This was picked up following a blood test due to a visual problem developed whilst skiing in Jan/Feb. I had no significant back pain until my bone marrow biopsy following which my lower back muscles seemed to go it spasm and I have been unable to bend over since. My Consultant is reluctant to advise any treatment in terms of physio/acupuncture or alternative to help with this but I'm desperate to try something as I know it's more muscular than due to the Myeloma. However, I don't want to do anything that might be unsafe. Has anyone any similar experiences and have any advice?



    Hi Phil,

    Sorry to hear about your diagnosis but welcome to the site where I know you will find a lot of supportive and helpful people. My husband sufffers from myeloma and he was seeing a physio when he was diagnosed and when she realised what the problem was she no longer wanted to treat him. The skeleton can become very fragile with this disease. However he has also had various muscular problems and has found acupuncture very helpful. As this is a holistic therapy he found it has also helped considerably withhis side effect from various Myeloma treatments.

    I hope you find something that suits you and you get some relief,

    Best wishes,




    Hi Philip
    Welcome, sorry you have to join, but there are a lot of very helpful people here. I'd be careful as Mari says, a lot of the muscular pain I had before my diagnosis I now know was bone pain from the myeloma as it has now pretty much gone and I'm doing very little physical stuff apart from walking. I found paracetamol and lots of walking helped to reduce spasm and cramp.
    Good luck



    Hi Phil,

    I assume that you have had a full skeletal survey, MRI and CTScan?

    My lower back spasms turned out to be a tumour which was crushing two vertebrae… if you know it is not skeletal or bone related then acupuncture seems a straightforward therapy which I have found useful in the past.

    If you haven't had the 'works' then I'd enquire about them pronto.:-)





    Thanks to all for the prompt advice (Dai, Helen, Mari). Yes, I have had the full work up in terms of skeletal survey and MRI and they are pretty clear. I agree that physiotherapy itself would probably would be too aggressive, however I work for the NHS (30 yrs!) and our occupational physio is very conservative and does more than just physio so I was thinking of seeing her for advice. Acupuncture seems the best option then, my only concern was regarding risk of infection due to low immunity and needles!



    Hi Phill

    My husband (also SMM) went for a session of physiotherapy at Belfast city Hospital (recommended by consultant). He was in agony – he said that he felt that he had been electrocuted. The only relief that he got was with a Chinese doctor who researched Myeloma and then carried out treatment which included accupuncture. He swore by it. Unfortunately the doctor went back to China and he is still looking for someone to replace her.

    Hope you get it sorted soon



    Hi Phil
    I recently has lower back spasms to the point that I needed two paramedics and entonox to get me out of bed. I was eventually told that my myeloma had returned and that my back pain was due to a hollow 3rd lower vertebrae. While in hospital they carried out a Kyroplasty operation filling the lower vertabrea with a special cement and then I had a little physio and went home 3 days later. This was done under a general and has improved my mobility greatly. Things can be done. Don't give up.

    Paul Stevens

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